Why convert my motor to hydrogen?
H2 & Company supports using renewable energy to produce hydrogen, via
the process of electrolysis, where water is separated into its two
basic components: hydrogen and oxygen. When hydrogen is burned in an
engine, or used in a fuel cell, the end product is water. The net
result of the complete circle is that there is no more or no less
water in the environment than at the beginning of the cycle.
1) Changing engines to pure hydrogen will produce about the
same amount of water vapor, while eliminating all of the carbon and sulfur
2) When gasoline, diesel or natural gas is burned, water vapor is produced. Burning hydrogen instead of these fuels will emit about the same amount of water vapor.
3) The amount of water emitted by automobiles using hydrogen is so insignificant that it will have no effect on weather.
4) Burning hydrogen instead of fossil fuels will clean the air.
5) Each gallon of gasoline requires 18 gallons of water during the refining process. Much of this water is vented to the atmosphere as steam.
6) Burning fossil fuels add sulfur oxides (resulting in acid rain), nitrogen oxides, soot and other pollutants which greatly affect weather throughout the world. Burning hydrogen produces none of the same pollutants, except minor amounts of nitrogen oxides, which can be controlled by modifying the engines properly.
7) Hydrogen burns cleaner, this results in less maintenance on the motor.
8) Hydrogen burns cheaper especially when combined with other fuels.
In short, hydrogen will burn cheaper and cleaner. This means less cost for fuel and less cost for maintenance. The cost of conversion will be returned in a very short time frame ...and it liberates from the fuel shortages sure to come.
"Using hydrogen as a combustion stimulant it is possible for other fuels to meet future requirements for lower exhaust emissions in California and an increasing number of additional states. Relatively small amounts of hydrogen can dramatically increase horsepower and reduce exhaust emissions."