Open Meetings

Date: September 21, 2001

Time: 12:30 p.m.

Place: Arizona Corporation Commission, 1200 West Washington Street, Pipeline Safety Conference Room 101, Phoenix, Arizona 85007

Attendance: No Quorum of Commissioners. See attendance list in Attachment 1.

Topic: Environmental Portfolio Standard (EPS) Workshop

Matters Discussed:

Ray Williamson of Commission Staff welcomed everyone to the meeting. All participants introduced themselves.

The minutes from the August 24, 2001 meeting were discussed. No changes were made.

Bryan Gernet of Arizona Public Service Company discussed Net Billing Tariffs, EPR2 and EPR4. Brian explained the differences of the two tariffs as well as the difference between Net Metering and Net Billing.

David Rowley addressed the Avoided Cost issue and asked for input from the Arizona Corporation Commission.

The Master Issues List was discussed -- reviewed and updated.

Wind Committee - Tom Hansen did not attend today's meeting -- no report.

David Rowley reported on the Barriers Committee.

Dan Musgrove reported on the Biomass Committee.

Solar Thermal Trough Committee - nothing has been done on this committee; should have something to report by next meeting.

Solar Water Heating Committee -- no report

Topics were discussed for the next meeting.

The next meeting of the working group will be held on October 19, 2001, at 12:30 p.m. in the Pipeline Safety Conference Room at 1200 West Washington Street, in Phoenix.

Lori H. Miller, Arizona Corporation Commission