Certification Project


NABCEP Approves Requirements for PV Installer Certification

At a meeting in late January, the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP) approved the prerequisites and process whereby photovoltaic (PV) installers will be able to become certified to NABCEP quality standards of practice. You can download this document below.

NABCEP Photovoltaic Installer Certification
Requirements & Process to Become Certified

1. Introduction

The North America Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP) is developing a voluntary certification program for installers of photovoltaic (PV) systems. This document outlines the requirements that candidates for PV installer certification will need to meet in order to become certified. These requirements were developed by the NABCEP PV Technical Committee and by the Board based on input from stakeholders, extensive deliberation among committee and board members, research of skill requirements for existing trades, and examination of certification and licensure pathways for similar trades. Information on this background research is available online at References.

The NABCEP PV Installer Certification is not intended to prevent qualified individuals from installing PV systems nor to replace state licensure requirements. It is meant to provide a set of national standards by which PV installers with skills and experience can distinguish themselves. Certification will provide an educational tool for consumers and may encourage increased financing and reduced insurance rates for PV projects. It will be available voluntarily to those PV installers who feel they will benefit from it.

Background information on the development of these requirements, including the PV Installer Task Analysis, a listing of Members of the Board and PV Technical Committee, results from the two "Call for Comments" periods, and other information is available either online or by request.

NABCEP is an open process, receiving stakeholder comment at all times and making documents and other information available upon request.

2. Target Candidate for PV Installer Certification

Target Candidates for Certification:
Person responsible for the system installation
(e.g., contractor, foreman, supervisor, or journeyman).

To become certified, an applicant must:
1. Be at least 18 years of age
2. Meet prerequisites of related experience and/or education (see Section 3, "Requirements" below)
3. Complete an application form documenting requirements
4. Sign a code of ethics
5. Pay a reasonable application/exam fee
6. Pass a written exam (see Section 4, "Examination" below)

The certification time period will be three years. To maintain certification, certificants will complete a continuing education requirement and a specified number of documented installations every three years. See maintenance requirement below.

3. Requirements to Sit for Certification Exam

3.1 To qualify to sit for the NABCEP PV Installer Certification examination, the candidate must demonstrate that he/she meets at least one of the following minimum entry requirement tracks:

a) Four (4) years of experience installing PV (definition of years of experience in 3.4 below); OR

b) Two (2) years of experience installing PV systems in addition to completion of a board-recognized training program (see definition in 3.7 below); OR

c) Be an existing licensed contractor in good standing in solar or electrical-construction related areas with one (1) year of experience installing PV systems; OR

d) Four (4) years of electrical-construction related experience working for a licensed contractor, including one (1) year of experience installing PV systems; OR

e) Three (3) years experience in a U.S. Dept. of Labor approved electrical-construction trade apprentice program, including one (1) year of experience installing PV systems; OR

f) Two-year electrical-construction related, or electrical engineering technology, or renewable energy technology/technician degree from an educational institution plus one (1) year of experience installing PV systems; OR

g) Four-year construction related or engineering degree from an educational institution, including one (1) year experience installing PV systems.

3.2 A NABCEP Application Review Committee will review applications and decide whether candidates meet the spirit of the NABCEP qualifications to sit for the certification examination. This Committee will be made up of experienced PV installers with an understanding of the different types of situations and constraints experienced by installers in the field. Reviewers will be non-competitive industry peers with no financial or other affiliation with applicants -- every effort will be made to ensure the objectivity of the Reviewers.

3.3. For purposes of this process, experience installing PV systems requires being in a responsible role in decision-making on the job. This includes the foreman, supervisor, site manager responsible for the quality of the installation, or experienced person performing the trade without supervision. There may be several workers that do not carry supervisory responsibility on the jobsite who are aspiring to this role. In these cases, the supervisor may be called upon to make a judgment as to the role of the worker in the process of documenting their experience.

3.4 Definition: one (1) year of experience = one year in a responsible role on the job installing PV systems, in the role of foreman, supervisor, site manager, or experienced worker performing PV installation work without direct supervision. This year must include installation of at least two PV systems totaling 1KW. At least one installation each year must be a system with an inverter and subject to a complete electrical permitting and inspection process by a permitting authority -- OR, in the absence of such, an appropriate underwriter authorized to provide an inspection certificate. In regions where neither of these inspection options exist, the Application Review Committee will judge experience based on supplied documentation.

3.5 In order to document required experience, candidates for certification may be asked to list all employment, experience, education, and existing licenses, registrations, certifications and any other credentials pertinent to their application and their qualifying category. Candidates who are self-employed will need to obtain signed-off building inspection certificates. Customers alone cannot be used to verify employment.

In order to document the minimum 2-systems required per year of experience, candidates may be asked to provide a concise description of work performed at the job site and the level of their responsibility, number of full-time equivalent workers supervised, location of the job site, system owner contact information, and any permits or inspection certificates involved.

If a license for solar installation is required in the jurisdiction in which the work is performed, candidates shall be asked to submit their license number -- or the license number under which the work is performed -- on their application.

3.6 Although training is strongly encouraged, it is not a requirement for achieving this certification when candidates meet the experience or other entry requirements. However, the exam is such that some level of training will likely be necessary for most applicants to achieve a passing score. Candidates are therefore encouraged to seek training classes as needed. It is recommended that applicants look for training courses with Institute for Sustainable Power (ISP) accreditation or similar accreditation (see section 7 for details on solar standards for training & accreditation).

3.7 NABCEP will accept training to meet entry requirement option (b) when the training meets the following outcomes:

a) a minimum of 40 hours cumulative (can include product training, etc.)
b) formal supervised training format (with a teacher-learner structure)
c) covers core competencies from the PV Installer Task Analysis, including the National Electrical Code and OSHA safety standards relevant to PV installation (or Canadian equivalents for Canadian nationals).

Types of training programs may include (but are not limited to):

1. Industry In-House Training Programs (e.g., Manufacturers)
2. Dedicated Independent Training Programs (e.g., Florida Solar Energy Center, Solar Energy International, Great Lakes Renewable Energy Association, etc.)
3. Apprenticeship Training Programs (e.g., National Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee)
4. Community Colleges (e.g., Lane Community College, San Juan College, D-Q University, etc.)
5. Vocational/Technical Training Programs (e.g., Board of Cooperative Educational Services/New York, British Columbia Institute of Technology)

3.8 Should an applicant be rejected, the reason(s) for rejection will be produced and the applicant will be able to either resubmit their application with additional information or make an appeal for their application to be reconsidered by the NABCEP Appeals Committee.

4. Examination

4.1 Each candidate must pass a written examination to qualify for certification. A list of references and documents pertaining to the test will be made available in a Study Guide.

4.2 The examination will be based on supplied scenarios and situations, with multiple-choice questions requiring various calculations, knowledge of the relevant National Electrical Code sections, knowledge of safety practices, PV-system assessments, installation requirements, and customer interaction issues.

4.3 The test will be open book with an allotted time of no more than four hours for candidates to complete the examination.

5. Code of Ethics

5.1 As a part of the application process, candidates will sign a Code of Ethics indicating that they will maintain professional and ethical business practices.

5.2 A Code of Ethics serves the purpose of protecting consumers and quality installers from the degradation of the value of the certification if unethical certificants do not perform up to the standards the credential was developed to encourage.

5.3 Violation of the Code of Ethics may be grounds for disciplinary action (possibly suspension or removal of an installer's certification status). See item 6.4 below.

6. Maintaining Certification

6.1 Certification is valid for three (3) years from the date of issuance. To maintain certification, the certified installer must document the following:

  • Completion of an average of one (1) qualifying PV system per year installed by the candidate. Over a period of three (3) years this equals 3 systems total. A qualifying system is one with an inverter and subject to a complete electrical permitting and inspection process by a permitting authority or, in the absence of such, an appropriate underwriter authorized to provide an inspection certificate. In regions where neither of these options exist, acceptance of the system will be based on supplied documentation; AND

  • Completion of eighteen (18) contact hours of continuing education/training, of which at least 3 hours must be on safety issues, and at least 12 hours on technical subjects in approved related content. Continuing education/training courses must have content consistent with the Task Analysis. Contact hours in excess of the required 18 hours may be carried over to the next three-year cycle up to a maximum of 9 additional contact hours.

6.2 Contact hours are defined as instructor-led class time (not including class breaks). Candidates for certification maintenance will need to provide NABCEP with proof of attendance for the number of contact hours claimed.

6.3 A wide variety of training sources can provide contact hours meeting the 18-hour continuing education requirement. See 3.7 above for a list of examples of training programs that might be used toward meeting this requirement.

6.4 Certificants against whom complaints are brought will be notified and will have the opportunity to refute the complaints against them. If a review process finds the certificant in violation of the Code of Ethics or if he/she is consistently performing work that does not reflect the skills and experience required for certification, certification status may be revoked. This process will include testimony and appeals opportunities.

7. Conclusion

The NABCEP PV Installer certification has been developed in accordance with certification industry best-practices. NABCEP has endeavored to follow the requirements of ISO draft standard 17024, "General Requirements for Bodies Operating Certification Systems of Persons."

These requirements for PV Installer Certification were subject to two public comment periods during the course of which over 400 comments were received. These comments were considered carefully and the draft certification requirements were adjusted accordingly. NABCEP standards will be subject to periodic review and revision in order to continue to be relevant to changes in the field.

Accepted by Board Vote on January 28, 2003



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