Climate Alliance Indicators


I. The local authority as consumer and model

  • Energy conservation achieved in municipal buildings compared to initial situation

  • Share of FSC-certified forest area in total municipally owned forest area

  • Level of project support per inhabitant

II. The local authority as planner and regulator

  • Pattern of Land Use

  • Car density per 1,000 inhabitants

III. The local authority as supplier and provider

  • Final Energy Consumption per inhabitant

  • Electricity consumption per inhabitant

  • Share of electricity from renewal energy sources

  • Modal-Split (private motor vehicle:public transport:cycling:walking)

  • Person-km in public transport per inhabitant

  • Municipal solid waste per inhabitant and recycable proportion of this

IV. The local authority as advisor and promotor

  • Level of grants for energy conservation measures and the use of renewables per inhabitant

  • Share of farmland managed to certified organic standards in total farmland area

  • Share of companies certified pursuant to EU EMAS / DIN 14001

  • Working days of municipal staff for advice per 1,000 inhabitants

  • Municipal and charitable grants for local one-world initiatives per 1,000 inhabitants

  • Share of retailers offering fair trade certified products

  • Share of discarded clothes collected under 'fair' schemes