Last Updated: 8/9/2005
Energy Information Administration
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Table F9a: Total Petroleum Consumption Estimates by Sector, 2002





Electric Power




Electric Power
Thousand Barrels Trillion Btu
Alabama 3,430 1,438 16,037 83,661 359 104,925 12.5 7.0 94.1 450.7 2.1 566.4
Alaska 1,702 1,400 7,680 36,360 1,560 48,702 9.4 8.0 45.8 205.0 9.6 277.8
Arizona 1,210 1,086 10,115 86,389 100 98,900 4.4 5.8 60.5 464.3 0.6 535.6
Arkansas 2,140 933 16,632 51,180 249 71,135 7.8 4.5 92.9 277.5 1.5 384.3
California 4,619 3,222 95,602 573,906 3,616 680,965 17.5 16.9 554.5 3,115.4 21.7 3,726.0
Colorado 2,716 1,021 10,350 69,108 52 83,247 9.9 4.9 55.4 371.8 0.3 442.3
Connecticut 14,683 4,423 6,693 44,117 3,844 73,760 82.2 24.8 37.2 234.3 24.1 402.6
Delaware 2,052 744 8,783 12,749 1,240 25,568 9.7 4.0 52.2 68.7 7.7 142.4
Dist. of Col. 354 807 202 4,167 620 6,150 2.1 4.4 1.1 22.2 3.6 33.4
Florida 4,122 3,751 28,104 260,739 54,686 351,402 15.2 20.1 160.9 1,404.6 340.0 1,940.8
Georgia 3,425 1,722 27,165 158,337 534 191,183 12.7 8.7 153.9 851.2 3.2 1,029.6
Hawaii 445 400 3,788 25,601 14,842 45,076 1.6 2.2 22.2 141.8 91.5 259.2
Idaho 1,107 488 5,791 21,724 (s) 29,110 4.8 2.5 35.5 117.2 (s) 160.0
Illinois 5,835 3,027 62,141 165,796 453 237,252 22.0 15.3 337.2 889.3 2.7 1,266.5
Indiana 6,265 2,548 35,359 118,456 944 163,572 25.1 12.7 204.1 643.2 5.6 890.7
Iowa 5,019 1,922 25,463 49,820 136 82,360 19.5 9.1 119.6 267.8 0.8 416.7
Kansas 2,295 1,090 25,468 41,498 923 71,273 8.4 5.4 133.3 224.4 5.7 377.2
Kentucky 2,571 1,494 47,517 82,858 7,249 141,689 10.5 7.9 253.3 451.2 43.6 766.5
Louisiana 1,134 1,367 157,884 129,961 3,349 293,695 4.1 7.0 751.9 723.2 20.2 1,506.5
Maine 8,540 3,381 7,124 22,524 760 42,330 47.8 19.5 42.5 121.2 4.8 235.9
Maryland 6,391 3,064 12,731 74,472 4,111 100,769 33.5 17.2 75.9 397.1 25.5 549.1
Massachusetts 23,576 4,896 11,206 82,981 10,595 133,255 134.3 28.2 63.7 441.8 66.4 734.4
Michigan 17,161 3,915 29,682 149,891 2,145 202,795 67.2 16.9 163.7 798.2 13.2 1,059.2
Minnesota 6,813 1,899 25,253 90,762 1,154 125,882 29.6 9.3 139.0 488.9 6.9 673.7
Mississippi 2,952 822 16,516 60,133 54 80,477 10.7 3.6 93.0 326.9 0.3 434.5
Missouri 7,129 2,530 20,866 105,471 987 136,984 26.5 11.9 113.7 568.7 5.9 726.7
Montana 1,086 323 8,913 18,388 1,270 29,980 4.2 1.5 52.6 100.0 7.6 165.9
Nebraska 2,045 569 9,610 30,397 43 42,665 7.5 2.5 50.4 164.6 0.3 225.2
Nevada 970 509 3,987 38,270 49 43,786 4.0 2.7 23.2 207.4 0.3 237.5
New Hampshire 6,199 2,029 4,354 21,265 1,153 35,000 32.1 11.2 24.3 113.5 7.2 188.3
New Jersey 10,775 3,497 45,730 161,750 1,138 222,889 59.2 19.8 260.5 885.2 7.0 1,231.7
New Mexico 2,754 1,159 9,488 34,129 54 47,585 10.0 5.5 55.2 185.2 0.3 256.1
New York 39,977 26,018 35,335 177,966 19,702 298,998 220.6 152.8 200.1 953.4 122.8 1,649.7
North Carolina 10,700 3,613 29,788 129,919 813 174,833 47.4 18.3 163.9 695.5 4.7 929.7
North Dakota 2,226 565 6,996 13,465 68 23,321 9.0 2.6 38.7 73.4 0.4 124.1
Ohio 8,767 3,685 51,386 179,498 678 244,013 39.4 19.1 289.8 968.0 4.0 1,320.3
Oklahoma 3,048 976 22,957 75,011 20 102,013 11.0 4.5 129.1 410.8 0.1 555.5
Oregon 1,902 1,313 10,417 55,586 14 69,232 9.2 7.3 62.7 301.3 0.1 380.7
Pennsylvania 26,503 9,084 40,941 177,435 5,115 259,077 145.2 51.4 240.2 957.4 31.4 1,425.6
Rhode Island 3,687 1,189 990 12,127 31 18,026 20.8 6.9 5.5 64.7 0.2 98.1
South Carolina 2,599 1,089 10,778 72,262 399 87,127 10.8 5.6 62.5 387.3 2.4 468.6
South Dakota 1,868 492 4,670 15,616 18 22,663 7.3 2.2 25.2 84.6 0.1 119.5
Tennessee 3,492 1,700 18,986 111,278 443 135,900 13.2 8.6 110.1 602.1 2.6 736.6
Texas 10,964 4,506 657,833 489,444 3,422 1,166,170 39.7 21.9 2,907.6 2,677.0 20.6 5,666.7
Utah 705 694 6,643 39,259 96 47,399 2.7 3.8 38.4 213.0 0.6 258.5
Vermont 4,104 1,327 1,083 9,621 31 16,166 19.9 7.1 5.9 51.1 0.2 84.1
Virginia 8,878 3,285 18,142 126,404 5,675 162,384 44.8 17.9 102.4 679.6 35.4 880.0
Washington 5,008 1,912 33,666 105,918 39 146,543 22.4 9.8 200.2 577.4 0.2 810.1
West Virginia 1,396 521 11,909 27,098 451 41,375 6.7 2.8 69.6 146.1 2.6 227.8
Wisconsin 10,332 2,984 33,707 78,894 366 126,283 43.7 14.6 187.7 422.6 2.2 670.8
Wyoming 729 525 8,308 17,356 76 26,994 2.7 2.7 48.4 96.3 0.4 150.5

United States
308,403 126,955 1,800,772 4,821,018 155,730 7,212,878 1,462.5 681.0 9,211.2 26,084.0 961.3 38,400.1
(s) = Physical unit value less than 0.5 or Btu value less than 0.05. Sources: Data sources, estimation procedures, and assumptions are described in the Technical Notes.
Note: Totals may not equal sum of components due to independent rounding.