Mitsubishi International Corporation Becomes a Strategic Investor in Cellennium (Thailand), a Producer of Vanadium Reversible Fuel Cells
Postdate : 24/1/2003
On January 23, 2003, Mitsubishi International Corporation (“MIC”) had reached the completion of its strategic investment in Cellennium (Thailand) Company Limited (“Cellennium”). This investment will help Cellennium move ahead with the commercial production of its licensed vanadium reversible fuel cell technology for the production and storage of electricity from renewable sources (solar, wind, biomass). MIC's relationship with Cellennium will facilitate crucial raw materials supply, marketing and production in Thailand.

Cellennium is a company under the umbrella of the Squirrel Group. Cellennium has acquired the license from the Squirrel Group to be the exclusive manufacturer, service provider and distributor in Thailand of  Squirrel Electricity Storage (SES), a novel Redox Flow Battery that utilizes vanadium as the electrolyte, and related systems and components in respect of applications for demand-shifting for buildings, telecommunications stations for mobile phones, buses, boats, forklifts, wind, solar and biomass-generated electricity. These commercial products, employing breakthrough inventions, will have wide markets and substantial benefits in the electrical energy sector of the economy.

The company plans to demonstrate its pilot units by the end of this year and begins the first production stage by the second half of next year.

Mitsubishi International Corporation (MIC), as a wholly owned subsidiary of Mitsubishi Corporation, is a unique knowledge-based company. Established in 1954 and headquartered in New York City, MIC offers a broad range of services to add value and create international business opportunities. MIC’s primary businesses are international trade involving commodities, consumer and industrial products, complex project management and strategic finance and investment. These core businesses span the following market areas : chemicals, energy, information systems and services, living essentials, machinery and technology and corporate ventures.

MIC’s key business strategy involves leveraging its knowledge of industries and markets around the world to create new, sustainable businesses. MIC also transforms opportunities into businesses by providing services to various industries at different stages of the product or project cycle. MIC adds value through its ability to finance and invest in the development of companies and projects, as well as through its expertise in developing the upstream and downstream activities needed for businesses to succeed. Strategically investing across crucial touch points, MIC helps create dynamic new ventures that benefit its business partners. MIC currently has more than 50 subsidiaries and affiliates designed to enhance revenues and develop strategic relationships domestically and internationally. For the year ended 31 December 2001, MIC generated trading transactions of US$ 6.73 billion, gross profit of US$ 118 million and net income of US$ 51 million.

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