Drum Balancing

Vibrational Medicine in its many guises has been in service to the people for generations, homeopathy being a prime example of this. The use of music i.e. Tibetan bells and singing bowls another. These techniques are designed to shift blockages and promote a free flowing healthy state. The method of shifting ones aspect or mood through music or constant rhythm is used automatically by people when they turn on their own stereo. It has been scientifically proven that plants flourish when exposed to classical music and wither under the enthusiasm of heavy metal music. Drum healing is simply another tool of vibrational medicine.

We traditionally use a Native American Plains drum, which is open on one side. We see these drums as being the heartbeat of the Mother, that continuous pulse of life. It is the constant reassurance of the heart beat in the womb reenacted through the constant beat and vibration of the drum, the life force moving along the body. That low constant earth vibration has the ability to shift, move, and soothe any blockages. The open end of the drum is held a few inches above the body as it follows the main meridians. Generally starting at the base of the spine tracing the pathway up to the head, and back down the spine to the legs.

It may be used as a diagnostic tool also, as its tone changes when blockages are found while scanning the body. (I.e. running the drum along the length of the body), specifically along the main meridian points. The speed and volume of the beat is determined by the energetic need of the body. A calming steady beat around the heart is always used to keep the patient steady and relaxed. A more robust beat is often used around the feet to feed the persons energy. The drum is held close to the body so that the patient can feel the massage-like effect that the rhythm\sound has on the body, mind and emotions.

As with the use of herbs, there is a direct spirit relationship, partnership in play between the patient, the 'practitioner' and the drum, all three coming together in a sacred way for healing. The Drum, and therefore the spirit of the animal used to create it, has its own gifts to impart. This is a beauty way of healing, gentle though deep, grounded yet having the ability to work on all aspects of a persons being. Restoration of harmony through the reconnection of heart.