Managing Difficult Situations by Managing Yourself

Portsmouth: CRN 15462, Thursday, October 9, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., .6 CEUs, $195, lunch included

This workshop is for supervisors and managers, classroom trainers, project managers, and anyone interested in learning skills and perspectives for strengthening relationships with co-workers, supervisors, and direct reports. If managing people has become frustrating, if your relationships with co-workers has deteriorated to the point of avoidance, or if you find yourself wishing, "If only he/she would change, life would be so great!" then come view life from a more powerful perspective. Using Eastern and Western methods, you'll practice skills such as centering, power, appreciation, and co-creation, and make connections to workplace applications such as conflict, relationship management, training, and teamwork. Instead of reacting to circumstances, you will learn to breathe, center, evaluate, and make choices that direct your energy effortlessly toward your vision. (This is part of the Supervisory Skills and Human Resources Management Certificate Programs, but you do not need to enroll in the programs to take this workshop.)


Instructor: Judy Ringer is a conflict resolution trainer, voice coach, and founder and chief instructor of Portsmouth Aikido. She is a facilitator at the UNH Browne Center for Experiential Education and owner of Power & Presence, a training company.