What if I could tell you that you can buy tomorrow's energy at today's price?
Saving you thousands of dollars!!  Interested?
 Electricity Cost Comparison
The cost of installing a Solar System
The prices here are in an estimate from a dealer in Arizona.  You can find it on this website.
Total Material & Labor
(from cost estimate of system)  $   12,390.42
Rebate or Voucher  $                -  
Net Amount to be financed  $   12,390.42
Loan Amortization
Beginning Principle  $   12,390.42
Peirod in Months 120
Percent Annual Interest 12.00%
Monthly Payment ($177.77) $177.77
Electric Capacity Generated
8 panels at 120 watts per panel (watt/hours) 960
Daylight hours at location 8
Watt/Hours created per day 7,680
Per month (30 days) 230,400
Reduced by reliability factor (reliable not optimum energy) 218,880 218.88 kWh
Reduced by factor for not optimum weather 207,936 207.94 kWh
Compare this to buying per kWh by utility company  $            0.11  $          22.25
Add monthly service charges  $          25.00
Add taxes and surcharges  $            5.00
Total Charge if purchased from Utility Company  $                52.25
Amount Saved per Month by Using Photovoltaics  $           (125.52)
At end of payment period all cost of electricity generation is eliminated.
Consider that these systems are known to last 30+ years and from the 11th year on there will be NO utility costs.
If this is as far as you look, the answer looks easy.  It simply costs too much money to buy solar!
But if you look into it a bit more…
Total payments toward purchasing PV system in same period  $177.77 120  $         21,331.98
Inflation works for you when you pay locked in payments on system.
Utility payments for 10 years  $52.25 120  $           6,269.90
Inflation works against you when you continue paying current utility bills.
If inflation is only 4% Your loss in the very first year.  4.00%  $              250.80
 $6,269.90 43.00%  $           8,965.95
Over 10 years the actual utility bill paid would increase more than 43% of your initial payment.
Utility payments for 10 years  $52.25 120 43%  $           8,965.95
Utility payments for 20 years  $52.25 240 212%  $         39,124.17
Utility payments for 25 years  $52.25 300 258%  $         56,115.59
Utility payments for 30 years  $52.25 360 315%  $         78,060.23
Inflation works against you when you continue paying current utility bills.
Over 30 years the actual amount paid would increase more than 315% of your initial calculation.
Actual savings over 10 year period by locking in utility bills by purchasing system at today's prices.  $              (12,366.03)
Actual savings over 20 year period by locking in utility bills by purchasing system at today's prices.  $               17,792.18
Actual savings over 25 year period by locking in utility bills by purchasing system at today's prices.  $               34,783.61
Actual savings over 30 year period by locking in utility bills by purchasing system at today's prices.  $               56,728.25
The year that you would "break-even" would be in the 12th year.  $                52.25 149 174%  $               21,331.24
This is the power of compounding inflation…all working against you.  Unless your buy now.
So, you see, you can afford solar! 
It's about working for the future.
Your future, not their's.