There are a tremendous number of options for containing your
compost. Some people choose to go binless, simply building a compost
pile in a convenient spot on the ground. Others build bins from
materials such as recycled pallets, or two-by-fours and plywood. And,
of course, there are many commercial bins on the market.
The question arises, "Which system is best?" Each system has
advantages and disadvantages that you should consider when making your
choice. However, there aren't many significant differences in actual
composting performance between the various traditional bin systems
(two exceptions might be worm bins and drum/turning units). More
important to the success of your efforts is taking care to provide the
environmental conditions for composting. Choosing a type of bin is
much more a matter of asking questions such as, "How much kitchen and
yard material do I have for composting?" and "What system best fits my
preferences for neatness, attractiveness, and convenience?" If you're
agonizing over choosing a recycled-plastic, dome-shaped detrital
digester model for $259 versus building your own setup from $199 of
lumber and hardware, you may wish to slow down before laying out all
that cash, and make sure that what you end up with will really meet
your needs. There are some very attractive and well-engineered
commercial bins out there, as well as plans for excellent
do-it-yourself models. But why not find out about all the options?
Many people, for instance, are very fond of low-cost, attractive units
built out of wooden pallets that are free for the asking from local
One very strong recommendation that I do have is to AVOID THE USE
OF TREATED LUMBER when building a bin system. 'Pressure-treated wood'
(also known as CCA), which commonly has a green tint, contains
arsenic, a highly toxic element (it also contains toxic levels of
copper and chromium). There is evidence to suggest that arsenic will
leach into your compost if you use CCA lumber in the bin.
Unfortunately, many extension services and local governments actually
recommend using this stuff for building compost bins. If you are
contemplating using CCA wood, please take the time to read the
information in the 'Letters' section of Organic Gardening Magazine,
April 1994 and July/August 1992, before beginning.
Possible Composting Systems:
One Bin Systems:
A one bin system is the simplest way to make a compost pile, and is a
great way to get started. If you plan to make a lot of compost, one
bin may not be enough capacity, but adding another can be a simple
matter. The basic idea of a one bin system is to make an enclosure for
your bin that is at least three feet (or about one meter) across,
although you may also choose to use no bin at all if you don't need to
keep everything tidy. Possible construction materials include free
wooden pallets from local businesses, lumber, cinder blocks, or even
steel posts and wire fencing. Once you've made your bin (or decided
not to), you might build a pile all at once if you have the
ingredients, but it's more likely you'll build the pile over time as
you generate compostable materials.
If you build the pile over time, the stuff on the bottom will
decompose first, since it will have been there the longest. When there
is finished compost at the bottom of the bin, and you want to use it,
simply remove the unfinished compost from on top, take out what you
need, and throw the unfinished compost back on top. If your pile is
not a high-temperature pile, you may want to let redworms (a kind of
earthworm) help make the compost. They'll make the process go more
quickly, and can create a very high quality finished product.
Two Bin and Three Bin Systems:
These systems consist of two or three adjacent bins, and may be made
out of the same materials as a one bin system. The advantage of having
more than one bin is that one can have a bin for the pile being built
(as ingredients are accumulated over a period of time) and another one
(or more) for a pile already built that is in a more advanced stage of
decomposition. If you have the space for such a system, and are
generating or gathering enough materials to keep the bins in use, this
can be very convenient. When you start using a system like this, build
your pile in one of the bins. When this bin becomes full, 'turn the
pile' by transfering it to the adjacent bin (a garden fork or similar
tool will help). This will aerate the pile and hasten decomposition.
An alternative that I have found to be very successful is to let
redworms do the turning 'in place' (this way I save myself labor and
just leave the pile in its original bin). Whatever you choose to do,
you can now begin to build a new pile in an empty bin while the first
pile continues to decompose.
I find that a two bin system works well for me, but other people
generate more compost or like to have a bin for storing finished
compost, and therefore choose a three bin system. In a three bin
system, you might start by building a pile in the leftmost bin. The
original pile is turned into the middle bin when it's time to begin
building another pile, aerating it to accelerate the composting
process. Another pile is then built in the leftmost bin. When that
pile is completed, the old pile (which is now in the middle) is turned
a final time into the rightmost bin for finishing, and the just-built
pile is turned into the middle bin, making the leftmost bin available
for yet another pile. Finished compost will eventually be removed from
the rightmost bin. Get the idea?
Rotating or Tumbling Systems:
The cost of these systems can be quite high, and they are somewhat
small, but these factors are balanced out by the speed at which
drum/tumbler systems can generate finished compost. Under ideal
circumstances, compost may be finished in three weeks in a rotating
drum composter! Fill the container partly full with a mix of greens
and moistened browns, and then give the unit a turn every day or so to
aerate the ingredients and remix them. It's important not to pack the
container full, because the ingredients won't tumble and mix if packed
in tightly.
While one batch is composting, you can accumulate the materials for
the next batch. When the first compost is finished, you can dump in
the materials you've saved to make more. It's possible to maintain
relatively high temperatures in drum/tumbler systems even if they are
small, both because the container acts as insulation and because the
constant turning keeps the microbes aerated and active.
Sheet or Trench Composting:
This may be the ideal system for people that have garden space who
don't want to fuss with bins and piles. Simply bury your kitchen
wastes in a trench 8" deep dug in the garden, leave the buried
materials to rot for a few months, and then plant above them. By the
time you plant, the materials will have rotted into stuff in which
plant roots will thrive. If you have copious amounts of materials to
get rid of all at once, such as autumn leaves, you might want to
spread them around the garden and rototill them into the soil (this is
best done in the late autumn, or at least 2 months in advance of
planting in the area).
Commercially Available Bin Systems:
Commercially available bins are typically somewhat expensive compared
to do-it-yourself bins, but they do keep your compost neatly enclosed
and can provide an 'instant solution' to the question of how to set up
a composting system. In performance, many of the plastic bins may help
to insulate the compost somewhat, allowing decomposition to occur
later into the cold season. However, I don't feel that there are major
advantages in the actual composting performance of commercial bins --
they function more or less the same as a
one bin
system (described above). A few brands seem to claim that they are
able to harvest some kind of special cosmic energy or the power of the
pyramids in assisting decomposition. Nonsense. They certainly can
function just fine as compost bins, but there is no magic involved.
Many of the companies selling plastic bins manufacture them from
recycled plastic. If you plan to get a pre-built plastic bin, keep
your eyes open for ones made from reclaimed plastic -- support
recycling and businesses that sell recycled products!
Clean Air Gardening - - Compost bins, manual reel mowers
and other environmentally friendly lawn and garden tools. Free US
ground shipping!
Worm Bin Composting:
Maintaining an enclosed bin specifically for 'vermicomposting' is an
excellent way to take care of food wastes. In fact, such a system can
even be kept indoors. With the exception of holes for drainage and
ventilation, worm bins for indoor use are typically completely
enclosed, with a lid of some sort to cover the top. Outdoors, worms
can be turned loose in a pile in your compost bin, or contained in a
worm bin built specifically for vermicomposting.
Some municipalities, fearful of rodent pests and the diseases they
may carry, discourage or even prohibit the composting of food wastes
in open piles, recommending enclosed worm bins instead. A sturdy
outdoor worm bin is protected from pests, and produces compost quickly
during the warm season (or year-round in mild climates).
One of the challenges of beginning a vermicompost system is finding
a source of worms. A typical earthworm from the garden won't do.
Vermicomposting requires a species that is adapted to living in
decomposing organic materials rather than in the soil. Two species are
Eisenia foetida and Lumbricus rubellus. Also known as
the redworm, manure worm, or red wiggler, Eisenia foetida is
often available at bait shops (ask for red wigglers), but can be mail
ordered less expensively from worm farms listed in the classified ads
of Organic Gardening Magazine. Governments and organizations that
promote vermicomposting may maintain 'worm banks' as a low-cost source
of worms for the general public. Seattle Tilth, in cooperation with
Puget Consumers Co-op, has a worm bank at a composting demonstration
site in back of a PCC grocery store.
The general idea is to provide a cool, moist bedding (some kind of
'brown' compost ingredient such as shredded leaves or paperboard) for
the worms to live in, and then bury kitchen wastes in the bedding. As
bacteria and fungi begin to decompose the materials, the worms graze
on the bacteria and fungi, and also break up the ingredients with
their movement through the bedding. Eventually, the worms have
ingested the ingredients and bedding, turning it all into worm
castings (feces) that are an excellent finished compost.
Composting with worms is very easy to do, but there are a few
basics of vermicomposting that are helpful to understand. I plan to
provide a how-to guide some day. Meanwhile, you may wish to read the
vermicomposting guide available on the World Wide Web from
CITY FARMER, an organization
in British Columbia.
Rot Web text (c)1996 by Eric S. Johnson
Material provided on this Website is for informational purposes only
and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or
treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified
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