SolWest Renewable Energy Fair
This event starts on: 7/23/2004 and lasts 3 days

Admission includes 50 free workshops on both off-grid and grid-intertied renewable energy (RE) and sustainable living topics. Over fifty exhibitors show tools for energy and lifestyle
self-reliance, including solar, wind, biofuels and agricultural resources. A special exhibit and keynote this year cover 50 years of solar history. An Electrathon race highlights efficient, lightweight vehicle technology.

Location: John Day , OR - United States

Directions: Grant County Fairgrounds
John Day, OR

Cost: is $5 per adult per day, with weekend, youth, and senior discounts, volunteers and children under 12 free. Camping is available (free for

For more information about this event contact:
Jennifer Barker
PO Box 485
Canyon City, OR 97820

Event Website:
Contact Email:

Contact Telephone: 541-575-3633