Ziff Energy Group

LIVING WITH HIGHER GAS PRICES: The Fine Balance Between Supply & Demand

November 8 & 9, 2004 - Calgary
Telus Convention Centre 

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Day 1

Session 1 - Natural Gas Policies
Are governments doing enough to promote access to new supplies in Western Canada? If there are no show-stoppers to exploring offshore British Columbia, and within the Northwest Territories, how can we get the environmentalists and explorationists to agree on how these resources can be developed in an ecologically sound manner?

Confirmed Speakers:
Victor Carrillo, Chairman - Texas Railroad Commission
Hon. Murray Smith, Minister of Energy - Gov. of Alberta
Hon. Brendan Bell, Minister of Resources - Gov. of NWT

Session 2 - Market Reaction to High Prices
Natural gas prices have jumped above historic levels. How will the gas market adapt to these new prices levels? Does the core market consumer have any choice? Will politicians be under pressure to consider some form of price regulation? Will electricity generators be forced to consider other fuels to produce North America's incremental power requirements?

Confirmed Speakers:
Dan Keuter, VP Nuclear Business Dev. - Entergy Nuclear
Val Mirosh, VP & President - NOVA Corporation
Melvin Christopher, VP Energy Supply & Mktg. - PCNM
Rick Birmingham, VP Reg. Affairs & Mktg. - Union Gas 

Session 3 - WCSB Supply Roundtable
The large integrated producers are focusing outside Western Canada. The new emerging players are the royalty trusts, which are generally known for resource development rather than exploration, as most of their cash flow is returned to unit holders. What techniques are available to enhance production? Are high gas prices required to support current production levels in Western Canada? What would be the impact of a US$1.00/MMBtu decrease in natural gas prices on production levels in Western Canada? Is new technology available or on the horizon for producers to increase production?

Confirmed Speakers:
Gordon Kerr, President - Enerplus 
John Haslett, BCS Partner - IBM Petroleum Practice
Paul McKinney, VP Res. Engineering - Anadarko Canada
Paul Ziff, CEO - Ziff Energy Group

Day 2

Session 1 - A Northern Debate
Transportation companies have filed applications with the State of Alaska under the Alaska Stranded Gas Development Act. Are there any differences among the applications? What other kind of players can we expect to be a part of the partnership that builds the pipeline to bring Alaska gas to market? Will Canada be able to deliver a predictable and integrated regulatory process desired by the Alaskan producers?

 Confirmed Speakers:
Hal Kvisle, CEO - TransCanada PipeLines
Stephen Letwin, Group VP Gas Dev. - Enbridge Inc.
J. Michael Yeager, President & CEO - Imperial Oil

Session 2 - Gas Transportation
As gas supply starts to decline from traditional basins in North America, how will transportation companies respond? For the new and growing basins, where new transportation infrastructure is required, are long-term contracts necessary? Which players have sufficient credit to contract for long-term service? Can we expect tougher regulations to meet the public's safety expectations? What are the regulatory differences between Canada and the U.S. with respect to pipeline companies? Does the higher return in the U.S. come at a price?

Confirmed Speakers:
John Somerhalder, President Pipeline Group - El Paso
Doug Haughey, President - Duke Energy Gas Transmission
Rick Brouwer, President - ATCO Pipelines

Session 3 - Emerging Supplies
From where can we expect the new gas supplies to come to fuel the expanding market? Is coalbed methane or tight gas in Western Canada part of the solution? What technologies are available? Or, will LNG have to be imported in ever-increasing quantities to meet the growing demand of North America?

Confirmed Speakers:
David Ackert, Regional VP Canada - Halliburton
Jon Baker, President - Trident Exploration (CBM)
Bob Wilson, Senior VP Commercial - Tractebel LNG

Group Rates available if registering 3 or more.
