3 trade fairs under the same roof: The renewable energy and energy efficiency industries meet from September 22nd to 25th at Fairground Augsburg, Germany. For the first time in 2005, the topics of energy-efficient construction and re-construction will have their own trade fair: reCONSTRUCT®. The "allied" trade fairs IHE® WoodEnergy and RENEXPO® will be strengthened by this new addition. With special
showcases and conferences, INTERCARBON® will cover the
Kyoto-protocol and present exporting potential and new financing
opportunities for the renewable industry, which have IBEF®
International Business Exchange Forum is a leading networking
event for international joint-ventures and technology transfer. It will
take place for the second time during RENEXPO®/ The event is open
from September 22nd to 25th from 09:00-18:00 h (Sunday until 17:00 h) in www.ihe-woodenergy.com, www.renexpo.com, www.renewable-forum.com und www.intercarbon.info We look forward
to your visit!
energien |