The US EPA, The Northeast-Midwest Institute, and the University of Illinois at Chicago Great Lakes Center for Environmental Training (in cooperation with HUD) will be presenting a training course which covers the broad range of activities that local governments need to know in order to successfully identify, clean up, and redevelop Brownfields. The course will be offered in Chicago during the week of June 20, 2005, and in Kansas City during the week of August 1, 2005, and is open to all who may be interested. The course includes presentations by local governments and others who are experienced in Brownfield redevelopment, and hands-on case studies including site visits. This intensive course has received very strong reviews from past participants.
Brownfields Redevelopment: Nuts and Bolts for Local Governments
a workshop presented by:
Northeast-Midwest Institute
UIC School of Public Health--Great Lakes Center
U.S. EPA Region 5
U.S. EPA Region 7
U.S. EPA Brownfields Program in cooperation with HUD
Chicago, Illinois
Mon-Fri, June 20-24, 2005
Sessions to be held at:
77 W. Jackson Blvd, Chicago, room 2205
Accommodations available next door!
Kansas City, Missouri
Mon-Fri, August 1-5, 2005
Sessions to be held at:
The Discovery Center
Lewis and Clark Rooms
4750 Troost Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri
Presentations by people with practical experience!
Lessons learned under the new Brownfields law.
Field trips to active redevelopment sites ? with directed site exercises.
Register through UIC School of Public Health--Great Lakes Center.
To register and for lodging information, call: Marilyn or Tesa at 312-996-6904
For Chicago visit:
For Kansas City, visit:
Tuition: $350. 3 UIC C.E.U.?s available Class size limited
For more information on the US EPA Brownfields Program Visit: