Eighth Annual U.S. House
and Senate Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Expo and Forum
June 20, 2005 — By Sustainable Energy Coalition
WASHINGTON, DC — The Eighth Annual Congressional Renewable Energy and Energy
Efficiency EXPO and Forum will bring together nearly forty companies,
associations, and organizations from across the United States representing more
than two dozen renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies on June 21,
2005. Previous EXPOs have drawn over 2,500 visitors, including Members of
Congress, congressional staff, Executive Branch officials, the media, and the
general public. The EXPO and Forum are free and open to the public; no RSVPs are
For more information visit www.eesi.org/briefings/2005/Climate%20&%20Energy/6.21.05RE&EEExpo/6.21.05REE&EExpo.htm.
Founded in 1992, the Sustainable Energy Coalition is a coalition of more than 90
national and state business, environmental, consumer, and energy policy
organizations which works to promote increased use of renewable energy and
energy efficiency technologies. Its members collectively represent several
thousand companies, community groups, and municipal utilities.
Jennifer Barrett, c/o Rep. Mark Udall (202-225-2161); Melissa Chapman, c/o Rep.
Zach Wamp (202-225-3271)
Ken Bossong, coordinator, Sustainable Energy Coalition, kbossong614@yahoo.com,
202-293-2898, ext.201