RTO Electricity Markets and
Resource Adequacy |
administered by regional transmission organizations (RTOs) and
independent system operators (ISOs) should provide incentives for the
development of generating capacity when and where it is needed in
order to meet resource adequacy objectives. To ensure that this
objective is met, many RTOs/ISOs have instituted resource adequacy (or
"installed capacity") markets, and RTOs/ISOs without such
markets are considering adding them. But how should these objectives
be established, and how should the markets be structured to provide
the right incentives? Are resource adequacy markets always needed to
ensure compliance with these objectives, or are they needed only under
some conditions? If so, what are those conditions?
This conference will bring together a diverse group of
experts with extensive experience in the restructured electricity
markets that are currently in operation, as well as areas where such
markets are being developed, representing a broad spectrum of
viewpoints on these issues. Register today!!! |
Topics Include: |
Speakers Include: |
Principal, LECG |
Here To Download A Complete Conference Brochure |