New Mexico Governor Richardson Signs Three Energy-Related Bills into Law


New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson recently signed three new energy-related bills into law. “One of my highest priorities is to protect our Western values, our love of the land, while setting out on an energy policy that will lead to true energy independence,” the governor said. “Energy policy is an economic issue, a security issue--it’s an issue we have to face.”

The first state-level measure of its kind in the nation, House Bill 32, the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Bonding Act, establishes up to $20 million in bonds to finance energy efficiency and renewable energy improvements in public buildings. Projects financed with the bonds will be paid back to the bonding authority using the savings on energy bills. The bonds will be applied to state buildings and school district buildings, and the projects will include most energy efficiency measures and any type of renewable energy system, as well as energy recovery and combined heat and power systems.

In addition to House Bill 32, Governor Richardson signed two other energy-related bills:

--Senate Bill 644, the energy efficiency bill, will allow utilities to market energy conservation in competition with new energy supplies, saving customers money while reducing energy demand.
--House Bill 995, which expands the wind energy production tax credit and also provides tax savings for some biomass energy producers.

The three bills are based on the recommendations of several clean energy task forces established by the governor.

Published 04/21/2005 

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