ARIZONA - ACC Acts to Create Statewide Interconnection Standards for DG

Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) Staff recently held a workshop to consider outstanding issues concerning distributed generation (DG), including DG interconnection, net metering, rate design and the establishment of a program to encourage the installation of self-generation equipment. The workshop, held July 8, 2005, addressed DG interconnection, and proposed using Texas's interconnection standard as a model. Staff noted at the workshop that it aims to produce a report on interconnection by December 2005. (In 1999, the ACC initiated a workshop process that resulted in a draft interconnection standard for DG in Arizona. The draft standard and other reports related to this docket [No. E-00000A-99-0431] are available at

Participants in the July 2005 workshop were encouraged to develop a list of goals that Arizona's DG interconnection standard should address. The group discussed at length which interconnection standard should be used as a model to begin the process. Both Arizona Public Service and Tucson Electric Power currently use the Arizona draft standard established by the 1999 DG workshop process. The two utilities stated that Arizona's draft standard is the most appropriate model because many of the relevant in-state issues were resolved during the 1999 DG workshop process. Other participants, including the Arizona Cogeneration Association/Distributed Energy Association of Arizona (DEAA), and the Greater Tucson Coalition for Solar Energy, indicated that the Texas model was the best model to use. DEAA stated that the Arizona draft standard is flawed because it does not address time limits for the application/approval process, pre-certified equipment and other matters. Some stakeholders stated the Texas Distributed Interconnection Manual and IEEE 1547 should be considered in addition to the standards and procedures provided as handouts at the workshop.

Workshop participants were invited to submit comment that incorporates language or concepts from any other interconnection standards, as well as recommendations for improvements to current Arizona procedures. Comments were due July 29, 2005. Staff also requested that utilities submit their current DG interconnection documents. All comments and utility interconnection documents and comments will be available at

The ACC has invited stakeholders to join the service list by sending a notice to the ACC's Docket Control Center at 1200 W. Washington, Phoenix, AZ 85007. This notice should reference Docket No. E-00000A-99-0431, indicate interest in workshop participation, and include both a mailing address and email address.

The next workshop will be held on August 26, 2005. A workshop agenda will be circulated to participants prior to the workshop. For more information, contact Barbara Keene, of the ACC, at (602) 542-0853; or Erinn Andreasen, also of the ACC, at (602) 542-0748.