Britons Prefer Wind Farms to Reactors


Aug 08 - United Press International

Britons would rather have renewable energy sources such as wind farms than new nuclear power stations to meet future energy needs, a survey found.

Hostility to nuclear power continues despite concerns that Britain may have to rely on imported gas in the future, the Times of London reported quoting the Populus survey.

The survey also showed politicians are not trusted to tell the truth about nuclear safety.

Fifty-nine percent of respondents believe it would be irresponsible to build more nuclear power stations while problems remain in disposing of nuclear waste.

This research shows that while the public understands the problems of a domestic energy shortfall, they appear reluctant to face up to some of its potential consequences, said Rick Nye, director of Populus.

The findings are a blow to the government, which has to find reliable new sources of energy urgently, the report said. Many of Britain's older nuclear and coal-fired power stations are due to be decommissioned.