Congress Approves Funding for Hydrogen Bus Program

Congress has approved and provided $49 million in funding for a competitive four-year hydrogen and fuel cell bus research and development program, the National Fuel Cell Bus Technology Development Program, as a component of the $287 billion Transportation Equity Act of 2005. The development program, supported by WestStart-CALSTART, can help address critical energy security challenges and make hydrogen and fuel cell buses commercially viable, focusing on critical areas of technology development. The program runs from 2006 to 2009 to develop and validate systems that can lead to commercialization.

WestStart-CALSTART, together with a national team of more than 30 leading bus makers, operators, and technology developers, formed the National Fuel Cell Bus Technology Initiative, and led the effort to ensure funding for the effort to keep America competitive in the new technologies.

"In a time of tight budgets, we commend Congress for giving the US an important chance to be a leader in technology than can help improve urban air quality and reduce our nation's dependence on foreign oil," said WestStart-CALSTART President and CEO John Boesel. "Though the measure received strong bipartisan support across the country, we want to particularly recognize the leadership of Congressman James Oberstar (D-MN) and Congresswoman Mary Bono (R-CA)."

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