Earn money through climate protections projects


Dear Sir or Madam,

Earn money through climate protections projects! The project development mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol present interesting financing instruments for the renewable energy industry. For the renewable technologies exporting branch the mechanisms open new and promising worldwide markets.

At “INTERCARBON®” on September 22nd - 25th, 2005, at Fairground Augsburg, for the first time the renewable energy industry can learn about the development of climate protection projects and how to capitalise on the new market.

The „INTERCARBON® Congress“ on September 22nd offers insight into the framework parameters and potential for climate protection projects and emissions trading, purchasing and certification. Project examples will also be addressed.

Exhibitors during the four day trade fair will present their products and services around the themes of climate protection projects and emissions trading at what promises to be an ideal networking and information exchange. Project potentials and ideas will be discussed between the manufactures, service and finance firms in attendance.

"INTERCARBON® 2005 is part of the trio of trade fairs “RENEXPO® 2005, IHE ® WoodEnergy 2005“ and „reCONSTRUCT® 2005“ (German). Expected at the Augsburg events are around 300 exhibitors from the renewable energy and energy efficient construction and reconstruction industries as well as over 10,000 visitors from around the world.

Further information is available on the internet at www.intercarbon.info.

Best regards,

ppa. Daniela Weigand
Project Manager
ppa. Guenter Armbruster
Head of sales


  erneuerbare energien
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