European research project shows promise for renewable energy hydrogen

REHOVOT, Israel, August 10, 2005 (Refocus Weekly)

The Weizmann Institute of Science is using its concentrating solar facility to produce hydrogen fuel from direct sunlight.

The project involves collaboration with the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland, Institut de Science et de Genie des Materiaux et Procedes - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique in France, and ScanArc Plasma Technologies in Sweden. The project is supported by the European Union's FP5 program.

The technology uses the 64 concentrating mirrors at Weizmann’s facility in Rehovot to heat zinc oxide to 1,200 degrees Celcius in the presence of wood charcoal. The process splits the ore, releasing oxygen and creating gaseous zinc, which then is condensed to a powder.

The zinc powder will react with water to yield hydrogen for use as a fuel, and the zinc oxide is recycled back to zinc in the solar plant. In recent experiments, the 300 kW installation produced 45 kg of zinc powder from zinc oxide in one hour, the centre explains.

Hydrogen is expected to become a pollution-free fuel of the future, but nearly all current hydrogen is produced by expensive processes that require combustion of fossil fuels, and there are storage and transportation constraints. This new process creates a storable intermediate energy source from metal ore and the “innovative solar technology may offer a green solution to the production of hydrogen fuel,” says scientists who released the test results at the Solar World Congress of the International Solar Energy Society in Florida.

The process generates no pollution, and the zinc can be stored easily and transported for conversion into hydrogen on demand. The zinc can also be used directly in zinc-air batteries, which convert chemical to electrical energy.

“After many years of basic research, we are pleased to see the scientific principles developed at the Institute validated by technological development,” says professor Jacob Karni at Weizmann. “The success of our recent experiments brings the approach closer to industrial use,” adds project leader Michael Epstein.

The splitting of metal ores with solar energy has been under development for several years at the Weizmann Institute's Canadian Institute for the Energies & Applied Research. The research facility has a solar tower and a field of 64 mirrors that are 7 by 8 m in size and driven by sun-tracking motors.

Scientists are investigating ores other than zinc oxide, as well as additional materials that may convert sunlight into storable energy.

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