Govt. Researcher Fuels the Ethanol Debate


August 24, 2005


For proper evaluation, a product's energy balance must be compared with that of the product it replaces.

A recent national debate has arisen over the net energy and environmental benefits of ethanol as a substitute for gasoline in transportation fuels. Now a top government researcher in the field is coming to defense of the domestically-grown fuel additive.
Argonne researcher Michael Wang, an expert in this field, presented the results of his research this week at the Ethanol Energy Open Forum, sponsored by the National Corn Growers Association at the National Press Club, Washington, D.C.

Some conclusions from Wang's presentation include the following points:

- Energy balance value alone is not meaningful in evaluating the benefit of ethanol or any other energy product. For proper evaluation, a product's energy balance must be compared with that of the product it replaces.

- Compared to gasoline, any type of fuel ethanol substantially helps reduce fossil energy and petroleum use.

- Ethanol produced from corn can achieve moderate reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.

- Ethanol produced from cellulosic plants, such as grass and weeds, can achieve much greater energy and greenhouse gas benefits.

Wang's PowerPoint presentation is available for downloading at the following link.


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