Hearing sought on Three Mile Island operating license


Aug 17 - Knight Ridder/Tribune Business News - Garry Lenton The Patriot-News, Harrisburg, Pa.

A decision by federal regulators not to oppose transfer of the Three Mile Island operating license from AmerGen to its parent company, Exelon Nuclear, was challenged Tuesday by Harrisburg-based watchdog group Three Mile Island Alert.

TMIA asked the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the agency responsible for overseeing commercial nuclear plants, to hold a public hearing on the transfer plan.

Eric Epstein, chairman of TMIA, said the public should be allowed to ask questions about the effect a license change would have on the community. The NRC held hearings for similar license transfers at plants in Texas, he said.

"We're asking for the opportunity to convene a hearing and discuss the pros and cons of a license transfer," Epstein said. "We're entitled to a transparent and open process."

In its request, TMIA argues that the license transfer would have an adverse effect on the operation, management and financial health of TMI.

Exelon, which is trying to consolidate its nuclear holdings in preparation for its merger with Public Service Electric and Gas, plans to transfer the operating licenses for Three Mile Island, Oyster Creek in Forked River, N.J., and the Clinton plant in Illinois.

All three licenses are held by Exelon's subsidiary AmerGen.

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