Nuclear fuel business booming despite uncertainties


The nuclear fuel business going forward presents many opportunities. But those opportunities are clouded by uncertainties larger than the strict market fundamentals that have propelled the price of uranium from about $10 per pound yellowcake (U3O8) three years ago to about $30 per pound today.

The nuclear fuel business should clearly benefit from the many bullish signs indicating that nuclear power is poised to expand around the world from the 440 reactors in operation today to perhaps 470 by 2015, and more beyond that date.

Fueling the optimism is the recently enacted US energy legislation, which contains a number of important provisions intended to jumpstart the ordering of new nuclear plants in the US; the announcement by the US that it intends to try to liberalize nuclear trade with India; the continued push by China to expand nuclear capacity; the possibility that the timetable for the phase-out of nuclear plants in Germany may be modified after the federal election there in September; and the growing recognition by Australia--the country with the world's largest uranium reserves--that uranium has strategic importance and that its production should be encouraged.

Also encouraging is the progress that LES--a consortium of Urenco, Westinghouse, and three US utilities, Exelon, Entergy, and Duke Energy--is making in securing a Nuclear Regulatory Commission license to build a uranium enrichment plant in New Mexico. The licensing of the LES plant is considered by many to be a bellwether for new nuclear reactor construction in the US.

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