St Petersburg, Aug 22, 2005 -- BBC Monitoring


The latest cargo, 42 tonnes of low-enriched uranium, has left the port of St Petersburg for Baltimore under the Russian-US HEU-LEU [high-enriched uranium - low-enriched uranium] agreement, known as the Megatons to Megawatts programme.

According to the press release issued by the Tekhsnabeksport joint stock company, "the departure of this latest cargo signals an important milestone in the implementation of this unique programme of cooperation between the Russian Federation and the USA in the area of nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation". [Passage omitted] From the time the first cargo of low-enriched uranium was dispatched on 31 May 1995, around 7,350 tonnes of this material, produced from the processing of 250 tonnes of high-enriched uranium, have been sent to the USA [figures as received]. This is half the total quantity [of high-enriched uranium] of 500 tonnes cited in the HEU-LEU agreement. In this way, the press release notes, the Megatons to Megawatts programme, "has crossed the half-way mark and reached its concluding stage". "In terms of nuclear disarmament, this means approximately 10,000 nuclear warheads have been dismantled once and for all. The energy produced by the USA from this [which uses the low-enriched uranium in its nuclear power stations] is in the region of 3,000bn kilowatt hours, which is equivalent to burning approximately 750bn cubic metres of natural gas or 650m tonnes of oil." The sum received by Russia for the delivery of the material is more than 5.3bn dollars. "All revenue from the implementation of the HEU-LEU agreement goes into the Russian federal budget. In 2004 this revenue equalled about 10 per cent of all planned non-tax receipts," the press release says. The revenue generated is used in financial programmes for improving the safety of Russian nuclear power stations, converting military plants and cleaning up contaminated areas.

Source: Interfax news agency, Moscow, in Russian 0939 gmt 22 Aug 05

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Russian-US uranium export programme reaches half-way mark