Increases Solar Funding by $300 Million
The California Public Utilities Commission (PUC) has increased funding
by $300 million for solar photovoltaic technologies.
This is the first step in jumpstarting the commission's implementation
of what was originally called the Governor's Million Solar Roofs
Initiative, which is now called the California Solar Initiative. The
commission has consistently expressed support for solar, other renewable
resources and clean distributed generation as environmentally sound
technologies for ensuring reliable electricity supply for California.
In recognition of the benefits of solar technologies as a viable energy
resource alternative to traditional energy technologies, the commission
increased funding for solar technologies that are currently part of the
Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP).
The decision also reduced the rebate level for solar photovoltaics from
$3.50 per watt to $2.80 per watt of installed capacity. The new rebate
level will be for new projects that sign up for funding in 2006. For
projects already on the waiting list, the rebate level will be $3 per
watt, which corresponds to the previously announced reduction in the
rebate level that would have automatically gone into effect in January
without this decision.
The commission found it prudent to reduce the rebate level for new
projects because evidence shows that there is plenty of interest in
pursuing solar installation even at the reduced rebate level. Reducing
the rebate level allows the commission to stretch limited program
funding to as many projects as possible.
At the commission's January 12, 2006, meeting, the full 10-year
California Solar Initiative funding and framework will be considered.
Published 12/16/2005
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