"With rising energy prices and
continued air pollution, this is exactly the kind of landmark initiative
California needs," said Bernadette Del Chiaro, clean energy advocate for
Environment California. "From this, we're going to see cleaner air,
affordable solar energy and California regaining its world leadership in
solar power."
The initiative revives an essential component of Gov. Arnold
Schwarzenegger's bid to expand use of renewable energy in California.
The governor's widely publicized "Million Solar Roofs" initiative had
bipartisan support, but it died in the Legislature this year after
construction unions demanded high wages for solar panel installers.
The governor bypassed the Legislature by asking the PUC to sponsor
the California Solar Initiative, which shares many provisions of the
"Million Solar Roofs" program.
The initiative would offer rebates to homes, businesses, farms,
schools and public buildings that install rooftop solar panels. Large
public utilities such as Pacific Gas & Electric Co. would not be
eligible for the program.
The PUC currently offers $400 million in solar rebates through
programs funded by a surcharge on consumer utility bills. The new
initiative would expand that amount to $3.2 billion through an
additional surcharge over 11 years starting in 2006.
Under the program, home and business owners who install solar panels
would at first be eligible for a $2.80 rebate for each watt of capacity
they install. For example, a homeowner who installs a 2,000-watt system
could receive a $5,600 rebate from the PUC.
The rebate amount would decrease by 10 percent each year until
consumers would only be eligible for a 25-cent-per-watt rebate in 2016.
But regulators anticipate that as the market for solar power expands,
costs will drop and offset the decreasing rebate amounts.
PG&E, the state's largest utility, supports the "concept of an
expanded solar program," but was still studying its potential impacts on
customers, said spokesman Paul Moreno.
In the 1970s, California was the world's leader in solar energy, but
the state has been overtaken by Japan and Germany, the world's two
largest solar markets. Currently, about 15,000 California homes and
businesses have solar panels, Del Chiaro said.
"Given the amount of sunshine we have in California and these
investments," Del Chiaro said, "we will be on pace to catch up with
Germany and Japan and hopefully outpace them."
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