FOLSOM, Calif., Dec 02, 2005 -- BUSINESS WIRE
The U.S. Department of Energy, the California Energy Commission PIER Program, the California Independent System Operator Corporation, Beacon Power Corporation and Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) are testing a first-of-its-kind energy storage technology that can increase reliability on the grid. The new technology consists of a series of large, high-speed flywheels that recycle electricity cleanly and efficiently. Extra energy on the grid is sent to the flywheels, which store it for immediate use when needed. Whenever the grid needs more energy to stay in balance, a signal is sent and the flywheels convert into generators to add power. Background: The flywheel prototype is a joint project sponsored by the California Energy Commission PIER program, U.S. Department of Energy, the California Energy Commission, the California Independent System Operator, and Beacon Power. Installed at the PG&E site in San Ramon, the unit is being tested under a variety of realistic scenarios to determine how this technology could be used in the future. The flywheel's mass, spinning at up to 22,000 rpm, and its ability to quickly and repeatedly change from storing energy to producing energy could make this system an important asset in grid management. For more information, go to SOURCE: California ISO |