EIA expects new plants, increased capacity in U.S. nuclear future
Washington (Platts)--12Dec2005
U.S. nuclear generating capacity is expected to hit 109 gigawatts (GW)
by 2030, up from 100 GWs in 2004, DOE's Energy Information Administration
(EIA) reported today. EIA attributed 6 GWs of the additional capacity to
newly built power reactors, the construction of which it said would be
stimulated by the Energy Policy Act of 2005, and the remaining 3 GWs of
new power to uprates at existing nuclear plants. New reactors
expected to be added to the U.S. grid in 2014 and beyond will be the first
new power reactors ordered in the country in more than 30 years, EIA said.
This is the first time that EIA has projected in its annual outlook
that there will be construction of new U.S. nuclear plants; last year, the
industry criticized EIA for projecting no new U.S. construction through 2025.
The report is at http://www.eia.doe.gov.
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