Groups join to stem US appetite for oil

by H. Josef Hebert


Efforts to stem America's appetite for oil, nearly two-thirds of it imported, is getting new attention in Congress with a push from an unusual coalition of environmentalists, evangelical Christians and conservatives.
The diverse groups are putting pressure on lawmakers to find ways to curtail oil use, especially in transportation, and to promote alternative fuels and new technologies less dependent on fossil fuels.

Environmentalists view reduced oil use as a way to curtail pollution and lower the risk of climate change. A number of conservatives and others argue the dependence on oil imports poses a security threat. Both liberal Democrats and conservative Republicans in Congress are listening.
A bipartisan group of senators unveiled legislation they said would save 2.5 mm barrels of oil a day within a decade and 10 mm bpd by 2031. The country now uses a little over 20 mm barrels of oil a day, most of it for transportation.

"Failure to act, we fear, will make America like a pitiful giant, tied down and subject to the whims of small countries," said Sen. Joe Lieberman, D-Conn., calling US dependence on foreign oil a national security risk.
The legislation would include tax breaks, as much as 35 %, and loan guarantees to get automakers to switch from producing gas guzzlers to gas-electric hybrids, advanced diesel or other alternative technologies. It also includes new tax breaks for those who buy such vehicles for car fleets, and incentives for developing alternative fuels such as ethanol from cellulosic biomass, research into use of lightweight material in cars, and the promotion of mass transit corridors.

Among those joining Lieberman and Sen. Evan Bayh, D-Ind., as co-sponsors were Sen. Ken Salazar, D-Colo., and GOP Sens. Sam Brownback of Kansas, Lindsay Graham of South Carolina, and Norm Coleman of Minnesota.
"This is a bipartisan effort," Brownback said. "This is just good common sense. This is where the public wants us to go. They want us to not be so dependent on foreign oil."

Earlier this year, Democrats tried to include a provision in a broad energy bill that later was signed into law by President Bush, which called on the president to develop programs that would cut oil consumption by 1 mm bpd. It was opposed by the GOP majority and defeated.
"That was seen as a mandate," said Brownback, who opposed the measure. The new approach is based on incentives to reduce oil consumption, he said.

Among those supporting the new Senate initiative are environmentalists such as the Natural Resources Defence Council and the Apollo Alliance, a coalition of labour and environmental groups. But they have been joined by mix of neo-conservatives and members of the Christian right who view the country's continued dependence on foreign oil -- especially from volatile areas such as the Middle East -- as a threat to the nation's security, and in the view of some, American values.
Among those arguing forcefully that the country's dependence on foreign oil poses a security risk are former CIA Director James Woolsey and Robert McFarlane, former national security adviser to President Reagan.

A number of conservatives have formed a coalition called Set America Free which advocates a diversification of motor fuels, development of more fuel-efficient cars and trucks and increased research into the development of ethanol from cellulosic biomass.
Among the group's members are Gary Bauer, president of American Values; Frank Gaffney of the Centre for Security Policy, and Gal Luft, director of the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security.


Source: Dow Jones