Legislation Would Require All
Vehicles to Be Flexible Fueled
On November 10th, several Senators from midwestern states
introduced the Fuel Security and Consumer Choice Act. The bill
would require all U.S. marketed vehicles to be manufactured as
Flexible Fuel Vehicles (FFVs) within ten years. FFVs can use both
regular gasoline and varying blends of renewable fuels like E-85
(motor fuel with 85 percent ethanol content).
The bill would require 10 percent of vehicles sold in the U.S.
to be FFVs within 18 months of passage, increasing by 10 percent
for each subsequent model year. A vehicle credit trading program
is also established that will allow companies that manufacture
more FFVs than required to sell credits to companies that have
manufactured less than required.
In addition to advancing higher percentages of renewable fuel
usage, enacting this legislation could be an important development
for hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) marriage with the biofuels
Renewable biofuels can't meet today's overall fuel demands but
they could meet the demand of a transportation system fueled
primarily from electricity. By expanding the on-board battery
capacity of HEVs and/or allowing HEVs to charge from the power
grid would mean that overall fuel requirements would drop to a
level where biofuels could supply most if not all of our
transportation fuels.
The New Rules Project - http://www.newrules.org/