More than a Million
Face Extreme Food Shortages in Ethiopia
December 30, 2005 — By Anthony Mitchell, Associated Press
ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia — More than a
million Ethiopian cattle herders face extreme food shortages after the
failure of rains that normally replenish water sources and sustain
livestock through the dry season, a famine early warning group said.
Drought also has triggered food shortages in neighboring Kenya and
Somalia, a country that has had no effective government since warlords
overthrew dictator Mohamed Siad Barre in 1994.
Pre-famine conditions have already emerged in Ethiopia's eastern Somali
region, including escalating malnutrition and reports of child deaths;
tribal conflicts over scarce resources; early and widespread human and
livestock migration; slaughtering of calves to save cows and rising
sorghum prices, the main staple, the U.S.-funded Famine Early Warning
Systems Network said Thursday.
A preliminary assessment showed that more than a million people will
face serious water, pasture and food shortages for the first half of
2006. The crisis will peak from January to March, according to the food
security monitoring group.
The Somali region, which is the size of Britain, is one of the driest
and least hospitable areas in Ethiopia. The area was hit by catastrophic
famine in 2000 that killed an estimated 50,000 people. Most residents
eke out a living as nomads.
An initial estimate from the regional Disaster Preparedness and
Prevention Administration indicates that Ethiopia needs more than US$40
million (euro33.57 million) to provide emergency water, fodder and
health care to people and animals affected by the drought.
"Interventions to protect the animals on which the survival of
pastoralist livelihoods is based are critical, especially given the
successive losses experienced by pastoralists in the region over the
last 10 years," according to the group's emergency warning report.
"Saving the breeding stock is essential to minimize the impact of the
current crisis and to allow post-drought recovery, given the very high
dependency on livestock in affected areas."
In anarchic Somalia, where about 2 million people need humanitarian aid,
drought has affected its southern region, leading to increases in
admissions of severely malnourished children to therapeutic feeding
centers there.
Lack of water and pasture has hurt livestock production and value,
resulting in deteriorating terms of trade between livestock and grains
in the region.
"Cereal prices are abnormally high in some of the marginal agricultural
areas like Hiran Region. Compared to a normal year, the prices of maize
and sorghum in Beletweyn are 25 percent and 45 percent higher,
respectively," according to the Famine Early Warning Systems Network.
"The situation is equally bad in northeastern Kenya and parts of
Ethiopia bordering southern Somalia, thereby limiting opportunities for
cross border migration as a coping strategy," according to the group.
Urgent food aid, rehabilitation of boreholes and communal dams and water
tanks for human and livestock consumption are needed to deal with the
Source: Associated Press