President Signs
Bipartisan Drinking Water Bill
December 5, 2005
On December 1, 2005, President Bush signed the Senator Paul
Simon Water for the Poor Act of 2005 (H.R. 1973) into law. The
bill was named for the late Senator from Illinois, Paul Simon,
who was a Congressional pioneer in recognizing the need and
advocating for drinking water and sanitation worldwide.
The new law came as a result of tremendous bipartisan efforts
made by Representative Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), Senator Bill
Frist (R-TN), Representative Henry Hyde (R-IL) and Senator Harry
Reid (D-NV). Representative Blumenauer and Senator Frist
originally authored legislation in the both the House and
“Water Advocates thanks President Bush and all the Members of
Congress who supported this critical legislation," said David
Douglas, president of the nonprofit, an organization dedicated
to increasing American support for worldwide access to safe,
affordable and sustainable drinking water and adequate
sanitation. “In today’s fractured Congress it is inspiring to
see so many Members on both sides of the aisle coming together
to help solve this persistent need. This bill will have an
enormous impact on lives around the globe.”
“The Senator Paul Simon Water for the Poor Act is the most
significant global legislation passed by this Congress,” said
Ambassador John McDonald, chairman of the Institute for
Multi-Track Diplomacy and a leader in global drinking water
issues for almost thirty years. “This bill provides the platform
on which we can advance US action and implementation, as well as
build on the Millennium Development Goals and the U.N. Decade of
Water adopted by the U.N. General Assembly in 2003.”
Waterborne diseases cause over 80% of illnesses in the
developing world. Access to adequate drinking water and
sanitation serves as a catalyst for better public health,
education, poverty reduction and women’s empowerment, according
to Water Advocates.
The new law creates an opportunity to save hundreds of
thousands of lives by extending safe water to those most in
need. It also makes drinking water and sanitation a cornerstone
of U.S. foreign policy and directs the Department of State to
come up with an overall strategy to be implemented by the U.S.
Agency of International Development (USAID).
Source: Water Advocates December
5, 2005 |