Veggies Retain Traces of Antibiotics, study finds
Source: LOHAS Weekly Newsletter
Author: Natural Foods
One more reason to eat
organic: Conventionally grown vegetables may be more likely to serve
up a dose of antibiotics along with their nutritional properties.
When nonorganic farmers
and ranchers give antibiotics to their animals—a widespread practice
to ensure health and stimulate growth—small traces of the drug are
excreted. When that manure is applied to crops, the vegetables
retain the antibiotics in their tissues, according to a University
of Minnesota study published in the Oct. 12 online edition of the
Journal of Environmental Quality .
The U of M study
examined corn, green onion and cabbage for levels of two commonly
used antibiotics. All three crops absorbed chlortetracycline but not
tylosin. The amount of antibiotics in the plants was small, but
increased according to the concentration present in the manure.
"This study points out
the potential human health risk associated with consumption of fresh
vegetables grown in soil amended with antibiotic-laden manures," the
study's authors wrote. "The risks may be higher for people who are
allergic to antibiotics and there is also the possibility of
enhanced antimicrobial resistance as a result of human consumption
of these vegetables."
The U.S. Food and Drug
Administration this summer banned the use of Baytril, which belongs
to a different class of antibiotics than those in the study. The
European Union in 1998 banned many human antibiotics from being used
in animals, except for therapeutic purposes. The bans came amid
concerns that foodborne illness was resistant to treatment when
humans ate meat from animals treated with antibiotics.
While organic
agriculture has drawn fire in the past for its reliance on manure as
a fertilizing agent, the practice is widespread in conventional
agriculture as well.
"Manure use is very
tightly regulated in organic agriculture and is completely
unregulated in conventional agriculture," said Mark Lipson, policy
program director at the Organic Farming Research Foundation in Santa
Cruz, Calif. "The National Organic Rule is really quite strict on
the use of uncomposted manure. It cannot be applied to a crop within
120 days of harvest," Lipson said. Because of that, he said, "The
use of manure in organic agriculture is much less risky than in
Lipson also cited
several flaws in the U of M study's design: "They tested the crops
after only six weeks after planting and application of manure," not
the 120 days that organic farming would require. And, he said, "they
were doing it greenhouse pots, so it wasn't a real field." The
amount of manure used was "not outlandish, but it's a heavy
application," he said. "This study is not that relevant to drawing
any conclusions about organic agriculture."
In addition, relatively
few organic farmers use uncomposted, or raw, manure, the type used
in the study. In OFRF's Third Biennial National Organic Farmers'
Survey, published in 1999, 22 percent of organic farmers said they
used uncomposted manure frequently or regularly; nineteen percent
said they used it occasionally. "The number has almost surely gone
down," Lipson said, since the survey was conducted before
implementation of the National Organic Rule. In addition, he said,
some organic growers are almost certainly using organic
manure—compost derived from animals raised organically—so the issue
of antibiotics in manure would be nonexistent for them.
"The real issue is the
use of antibiotics," Lipson said. "The alternatives for managing
healthy livestock systems are only just beginning to get serious
scientific research. Organic growers are figuring out how to get by
but they have very, very little help from the scientific community
in doing that. … If organic research … got a fraction of a fair
share of resources that are spent on agricultural research and
livestock management, we'd be able to help wean conventional
livestock manufacturers off of these materials."