Dear Reader,

It is expected that demand will increase to 120 mm bpd in 15 years, from a current 83 mm barrels per day. That means it will only take 8 days to consume 1 billion barrel of oil, from a current 11,5 days. At the moment it takes much longer, to find this billion barrel and that will not improve. And who asks the question of the reserves left over?

Whilst the biggest consumer will consume more, also some very large economies are emerging, creating the huge demand for energy and resources. However, the resources are finite, and some soon finished, whilst the demand is soaring. How are we going to think about this, and what can we do?

To look beyond peak oil, and approach some of the biggest questions humanity, and the energy world, has ever faced, and to see how we can approach solutions, we are organising ‘Future Energy Policy (Koblenz II)’ on 10, 11 and 12 October in Koblenz, Germany. The website is online at

We welcome your thoughts, comments and registrations.


I welcome your response at

Gas & Oil