UK Government: GBP10.6million for energy efficient community heating
Jun 28, 2005 -- M2 PRESSWIRE
More than GBP10million from the government will help supply more energy efficient heating to homes, schools, hospitals, leisure centres and other public buildings across the UK.
The latest round of 17 successful projects will also cut harmful carbon emissions by more than 5,000 tonnes a year.
More than GBP50million has been shared by Community Energy schemes across the UK since 2002.
Elliot Morley said:
"Our community heating scheme benefits people's lives at home, at work and at leisure. We are promoting greater energy efficiency which helps to reduce the greenhouse gases responsible for climate change, and we are helping people afford to heat their homes better. This kind of sustainable development delivers real environmental, social and economic benefits."
Among the latest round of grants is GBP1.3million for Birmingham City Council to install a new heating network connecting a children's hospital and university, part of one of the largest regeneration projects in Europe. A full list of grants is attached.
The successful Round 10 Community Energy bids, are:
* Fife Council GBP1,591,043 Develop the Dunfermline community heating scheme - 300 households and four public buildings - using waste heat from the Lochhead landfill site.
* Birmingham City Council GBP1,354,699 A new heat network linking six public buildings including Aston University, a children's hospital and court buildings.
* Torridge District Council GBP600,144 A new heat network, utilising heat from the existing Holsworthy Biogas power plant to connect 52 council houses and five public buildings.
* Highland Council, Minafua Estate GBP800,000 A new heat network serving a primary school and over 200 homes. There is potential to include biomass at a future date.
* Falkirk Council GBP983,730 A new heat network to link five tower blocks of over 400 homes. There is scope for expansion by connecting four further towers.
* University of Wales, Swansea GBP535,000 Refurbish the existing network to serve teaching and research buildings and halls of residence housing 200 students.
* London Borough of Islington GBP653,702 A new heat network connecting 900 homes and three public buildings, comprising a school, swimming pool and leisure centre.
* Home Housing Association, Stafford Court (West Durham) GBP35,000 A new heat network connecting 26 homes, by replacing individual storage heaters.
* Dungannon & District Housing Association GBP90,000 A new scheme using a wood-fired boiler - using a local woodchip supply - to serve 35 purpose-built flats.
* Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council GBP35,000 Replace coal fired boilers serving three public buildings with biomass, using arboricultural arisings produced by the Council's own tree work.
* Department for Constitutional Affairs GBP84,000 Connect the Combined Courts Building in Nottingham to an existing heat network.
* Birmingham Heartlands Hospital NHS Trust GBP403,000* Expand the hospital's existing network to the maternity unit through the addition of absorption chilling.
* Doncaster and Bassetlaw Hospital NHS Foundation Trust GBP1,394,498* To augment the hospital's existing steam network with a new low temperature hot water network to utilise low grade heat.
* Eastleigh Borough Council GBP100,000* A new heat network connecting Council civic offices and a leisure centre.
* Highland Council, Pulteneytown Wick GBP1,380,000* A new woodchip fuelled plant serving 540 dwellings plus the local hospital, academy, swimming pool, library and over 1,000 additional homes.
* Home Housing Association, Manor Court (Cockermouth) GBP29,500* A new heat network connecting 22 dwellings by replacing individual storage heaters.
* Kingston (upon Thames) Hospital NHS Trust GBP455,000* Supply heat via an existing network to 139 new dwellings, comprising 75 low cost dwellings and a combination of nursing homes and sheltered residences.
* These six schemes need to provide further details before their grant offers can be confirmed.
Community Energy was launched as a two-year programme in January 2002 - see - and extended to three years in May 2003 - see http://defraweb/news/2003/030520b.htm.
The Community Energy programme provides capital and development funding to refurbish existing and install new community heating schemes. It is funded from the Capital Modernisation Fund and has GBP50million to invest from 2002-2005, with the aim of attracting up to GBP200million of further investment from other sources. The Government has secured the future of the programme with GBP10million of new money for the next three years.
Community Energy is managed on behalf of Defra by the Energy Saving Trust and the Carbon Trust, assisted by the Combined Heat and Power Association.
More information is available from Energy Saving Trust, 020 7222 0101.
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