ACEEE Praises Senate
Finance for Efficiency Incentives: House Falls Further Behind Senate
June 16, 2005 — By American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy
Washington, D.C. — The Senate Finance Committee yesterday voted out an energy
tax incentive bill that, based on a preliminary by the American Council for an
Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) analysis, would save about nine times more
energy than the House energy bill tax title passed in April. This increases the
Senate energy bill’s overall edge in energy savings to nearly 3 to 1 over the
House bill. Prior to the addition of the tax title, the Senate bill was already
projected to save more than twice as much energy.
“The Senate Finance Committee deserves praise for approving a strong package
of energy efficiency tax incentives covering many sectors of the economy,”
said ACEEE’s Executive Director Steven Nadel. “Our analysis demonstrates
that the Senate and House tax provisions have about the same cost to the federal
government but the Senate provision would save nine times more energy, making
the Senate provision a much more effective use of federal dollars.”
ACEEE’s preliminary analysis of the Senate Finance bill shows that by 2020,
the Senate bill would reduce U.S. energy use by about 1.1 quadrillion British
thermal units of energy (equivalent to the current annual energy use of
Arkansas); peak electric demand in the United States by about 19,000 megawatts
(equivalent to 63 power plants of 300 megawatts each); and natural gas use by
675 billion cubic feet (equal to the gas used by all American households
combined in March 2005). By contrast, ACEEE estimates that the tax provision in
the House bill would save about 0.12 quadrillion British thermal units of
energy, 880 megawatts of peak power, and 90 billion cubic feet of natural gas by
2020. A large source of the Senate bill’s peak electric savings is a provision
promoting very high-efficiency residential central air conditioners, a provision
lacking from the House bill.
The key efficiency incentives in the Senate bill would go to:
--combined heat and power (CHP) systems that double the total efficiency of
power generation
--new homes that save 30 to 50 percent of heating and cooling energy
--improvements to existing homes that reduce heating and cooling usage by 20 to
50 percent
--commercial buildings that reduce heating, cooling, and lighting energy use by
up to 50 percent
--hot water heaters that cut energy use up to 25 percent for gas and oil water
heaters and 50 percent for electric water heaters
--air conditioners that increase efficiency about 15 percent
--clothes washers that decrease energy use by about 25 percent and water use
about 20 percent
--refrigerators that decrease energy use by up to 25 percent
--hybrid and other high-efficiency and alternative-fuel vehicle buyers (up to
several thousand dollars)
The House bill, by contrast, includes provisions only for existing homes and
diesel vehicles. The existing homes provision, moreover, is loosely structured
and may not produce much new energy savings, while costing substantial federal
revenue (ACEEE estimates that the House existing homes provision would cost the
Treasury more than $4 billion).
ACEEE noted that many Senators contributed to the energy efficiency tax
provisions, but particularly singled out Senators Grassley, Hatch, Snowe,
Alexander, Smith, Bingaman, Baucus, Feinstein, Kerry, and Lincoln for their
constructive input and support. ACEEE has suggested some minor technical changes
to the bill that would improve clarity and sharpen the focus of some provisions,
and we will work with committee staff to have these changes incorporated into a
manager’s amendment.
About ACEEE: The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy is an
independent, nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing energy efficiency as
a means of promoting both economic prosperity and environmental protection. For
information about ACEEE and its programs, publications, and conferences, contact
ACEEE, 1001 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Suite 801, Washington, D.C. 20036-5525 or
For more information, contact:
Steven Nadel
Executive Director
American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy
Telephone: 202-429-8873 x709
Web site: