Coal Shortage Could Result in Green Energy Partnership

June 21, 2005 — By Green Energy Resources

HUNTINGTON, NY — Green Energy Resources (nasdaq otc pk. GRGR) in response to Arch Coals predictions of shortages, has offered its 'Eco green coal" to the coal industry. "Eco Green coal" is a pre mixed fuel of biomass and coal for co-firing. Co-firing is an environmentally friendly application of mixed coal and biomass to reduce green house gas emissions. The greater the percentage of biomass mixture, the greater the coal savings and reduction of green house gas emissions.Green Energy Resources has recently met some coal executives, including Peabody coal (BTU), to discuss such a plan.

Power producers in the US, unlike their counterparts in Europe, generally are unaccustomed to mixing coal types sourced from different regions.In Europe, it is common practice. Premixed biomass and coal is already the norm and some european coal producers regularly supply biomass. US shortages are caused by the utilities,not the coal companies. "Eco -green coal" would reduce coal prices,increase profits for coal producers, and conserve on coal resources. Logistics from possible locations include Colorado, Powder River, and Applachia.

Co-firing, according to the Federal Energy Information Agency (EIA) has little or no capital investment requirement by industry. It is the only short and intermediate term solution to green house gas reduction. Scrubbers and "clean coal' technologies are 20-30 year solutions, not short term. Co-firing reduces, mercury, carbon, nitrous oxide,and sulfur and could virtually eliminate green house gas emissions in the USA within 2 years.

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Green Energy Resources
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