The use of a diverse range of energy sources, from renewables to nuclear, should be the key the UK’s future energy policy, recommends a new report from the Council for Science and Technology (CST). Titled ‘An Electricity Supply Strategy for the UK’, the report outlines a new strategic approach in response to changing energy sources and the challenge of climate change.
Key recommendations in the document include increasing development in renewable energy sources, management, storage and improving supply; and - somewhat controversially - not ruling out the option of nuclear energy.
The CST programme of work identified energy as a key issue and established a
working group, under the leadership of Professor Michael Sterling
(vice-chancellor of Birmingham University). The report is advice to the
government to help it form future energy policy.
Professor Sterling said; "The government's Energy White Paper contains
challenging targets which are likely to be missed unless hard decisions are
taken now. This report proposes that government give greater attention to
technologies that will deliver significant generation capacity in 10 years'
time, and to technologies that will deliver reliable renewable energy in the
Alan Johnson, Secretary of State for Trade and Industry, welcomed the report,
commenting; "The report is a very important and valuable contribution to
the energy debate which we shall be having over the coming months, and I am
grateful to the Council for Science and Technology for their work."
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