Energy secretary lays out challenges to greater LNG use in US

Washington (Platts)--16Jun2005

US Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman on Thursday outlined a series of steps the
US should take to leverage liquefied natural gas imports as a means of easing
a domestic supply-demand imbalance and "creating more stable energy
environments in other parts of the world." 

In a speech to a Washington LNG conference, Bodman said the US must overcome a
number of obstacles to aid the development of a global gas market. The US
government and industry, he said, should address the fact that US gas-fired
power plants cannot use the "higher heating value" gas produced in many
exporting countries; encourage development of a "workable spot market price
mechanism" for LNG, as opposed to the long-term contracts by which gas imports
have traditionally been sold, and develop a tanker fleet capable of moving
more LNG to the US. 

Noting that the world's proven reserves stand at more than 6 quadrillion cubic
feet, Bodman said "enough natural gas exists to meet the world's needs
comfortably well into this century. The challenge is to get it to the places
whose growing economies need it."

This story was originally published in Platts Natural Gas Alert

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