London climate change agency welcomed

Thursday 23 June 2005

The newly established London Climate Change Agency has been praised by Environment Secretary Margaret Beckett as ‘a key driving force’ in combatting global warming. Launched earlier this week, the agency was one of Mayor Ken Livingstone’s major manifesto commitments last year, in response to the growing environmental issues faced by the capital.

With a remit of helping London to become ‘the most sustainable city in the world’, the agency aims to establish itself as a municipal company that will work with private sector companies on environmentally friendly projects.

"I firmly believe the setting up of the Agency, which is being conducted through a public/private partnership to deliver low and zero-carbon energy projects across London, will do much to help meet the Government's and the Mayor's ambitious carbon dioxide emission requirements,” said Margaret Beckett.

Mayor of London Ken Livingstone, speaking at the launch event, commented; "Climate change has now become a problem the world cannot ignore. Large, major-energy consuming cities like London have both a responsibility to reduce their carbon emissions, and, by virtue of a high density of population, the greatest opportunity to take advantage of new energy systems and renewable energy.”

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