New Solarbuzz Report Looks at U.S. Photovoltaic Grid-Connect Market


Last week, the San Francisco-based solar photovoltaics (PV) consultancy, Solarbuzz Inc., released a new report stating that 51 megawatts of grid-connected PV were installed in the United States during 2004, up from 37 megawatts the previous year. Leading the U.S. market growth was California, accounting for 84 percent of the total grid-connect market in 2005.

Based on analysis of its proprietary national database of 4,850 PV installations completed in 2004, the report sets out in detail the type of PV systems that were installed, the characteristics of customers that purchased, the prices, the product suppliers and main installers. The report projects that the national market will reach an annual installations rate of 240 MW by 2010, nearly five times its current size.

There was a transfer of market leadership in 2004 in respect of module manufacturers, which sold into the US market, according to the report. At the same time, 16 of the largest dealers serving this market segment saw sales growth of more than double 2003 levels.

The report also focuses on the competitive and technical performance of different solar module types. It provides a detailed breakdown of sales by module model type, both in 2004 and projected over the new two years.

Key success factors are set out in the residential and commercial markets, together with greater analysis of the recent move into residential tile products.

Published 06/24/2005 

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