WASHINGTON — The Senate neared completion
of a sweeping national energy agenda late Thursday that would promote
conservation and environmentally friendly fuels. But senators rejected a
last-minute bid to substantially raise automobile fuel economy over the next
The massive energy bill, which was essentially completed but awaits a final vote
next Tuesday, contrasts with a bill more favorable to oil and gas producers and
approved by the House in April.
If the Senate, as expected, passes the bill next week, it will set the stage for
difficult, possibly lengthy negotiations with the House later this summer.
"It's going to be a tough conference (with the House)," said Sen. Pete
Domenici, R-N.M., who will lead the Senate negotiations with the other chamber.
Late Thursday, Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., tried to put into the bill a provision
that would require a nearly 50 percent increase in automobile fuel economy to a
fleet average of 40 miles per gallon over the next decade. He said,
"Instead of moving forward, we have been going backwards" as
automobiles become less fuel efficient.
Transportation accounts for two-thirds of the nation's oil use and most of that
is consumed by motor vehicles. Durbin argued there's no way to reduce U.S.
reliance on foreign oil without more fuel efficient automobiles.
But Sen. Christopher Bond, R-Mo., called Durbin's proposal "politically
inspired" and said it would force motorists into smaller cars ,
"result in more fatalities" and lead to lost auto industry jobs.
Durbin said the technology is available to increase fuel economy without making
vehicles smaller and cited as an example the popular gas-electric hybrid
vehicles now showing up in showrooms.
But Durbin's proposal failed 67-28. Instead, the Senate passed an
industry-friendly fuel economy amendment that does not call for any new federal
standards. It imposes a dozen considerations -- including safety and economic
impact -- that the Transportation Department must consider before it boosts auto
fuel economy rules. Environmentalists have maintained this may make it harder
for future administrations to boost auto fuel economy.
The Senate bill, cobbled together during months of behind-the-scenes discussions
and then two weeks of floor debate, includes $18 billion in energy tax
incentives, more than twice the amount approved by the House. About 40 percent
of the tax breaks would go for conservation, renewable energy and programs
promoting alternative motor fuels.
The Senate on Thursday added to the largess approving $1 billion over four years
to help states that have offshore oil and gas production pay for environmental
restoration of coastal estuaries. Most of the money which had been sought by
Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La., would go to four Gulf coast oil producing states.
The legislation also calls for doubling ethanol use in gasoline, a far more
ambitious expansion of ethanol production than the House approved, but an idea
that enjoys wide bipartisan support.
The bill's total cost, taking into account new revenue and non-tax-related
spending, would be about $16 billion, nearly three times what the White House
said it would like to see. The House measure would cost $8 billion.
The legislation avoids some of the most divisive energy issues, including
President Bush's call for oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in
Alaska and a provision to give the makers of the gasoline additive MTBE
liability protection from environmental lawsuits.
Both issues were sure to attract a filibuster which Domenici, the bill's
Republican floor leader, said would be tantamount to torpedoing any chance of
the legislation passing the Senate. The MTBE liability provision, included in
the bill the House passed in April, was blamed for scuttling energy legislation
two years ago.
Senators have acknowledged that the bill, expected to run to 1,000 pages when
completed, would do nothing in the short term to drive down high gasoline and
other energy prices or significantly reduce America's growing reliance on
foreign oil.
But the legislation's supporters said that through loan guarantees, tax
incentives and other programs, it will spur the growth of non-fossil energy
industries. They include production of ethanol, wind power and the use of
biofuels made from garbage, plants and wood remnants -- all initiatives that
eventually would reduce the demand for foreign crude oil.
Source: Associated Press