The ambitious Million Solar Roofs Bill (SB1) has swept
through the California State Senate this week, with a vote of 28 to 3. The Bill,
which would be the USA’s largest long-term solar programme, proposes the
creation of a million solar-powered homes and businesses over the next ten
years, and the building of half of all new homes with solar energy sources by
2017. The programme would involve various financial incentives for both
homeowners and businesses to adopt the renewable energy.
It is hoped that the scale of the Senator Kevin Murray (D-Los Angeles) and
Senator John Campbell (R-Orange County) authored Bill would kickstart the solar
market in the US.
“Momentum for establishing the nation’s biggest solar power program is on
our side now,” commented Bernadette Del Chiaro, Clean Energy Advocate with
Environment California. “The California Senate demonstrated tremendous
bi-partisan leadership today advancing a commonsense policy that will give all
Californians cleaner air and greater energy independence.”
“Solar power is at a tipping point; we’re no longer talking about solar
power being only for the backwoods cabin or the mansion in Malibu, rather
we’re talking about making solar power as mainstream and cost-effective as
double-paned windows and insulation.” added Del Chiaro.
The Bill will now proceed to the Californian Assembly, with a hearing in
Assembly Utilities Committee later this month. The massive support within
California for the adoption of the Bill is a further example of an American
State authority taking its own route to renewable energy.
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