Survey to Show Americans Want July 4, 2015 to Be Set as 'Energy Independence Day' Ending U.S. Reliance on Middle Eastern Oil

June 28, 2005 — By ENN

With the 4th of July holiday approaching, the vast majority of Americans want to set a national goal of declaring July 4, 2015 as a "real target date" for "Energy Independence Day" marking the end of America's reliance on Middle Eastern and other foreign oil supplies, according to a new Opinion Research Corporation national survey to be released on June 29, 2005 by the Civil Society Institute (CSI) and

The CSI/ survey also will show that clear majorities of Americans favor: a "firm deadline" for withdrawal of U.S. troops in Iraq; improved White House and Capitol Hill leadership on energy issues; energy conservation as a first resort rather than turning initially to more drilling for domestic oil; and a federally imposed 40 mile per gallon (mpg) fuel-efficiency standard for vehicles. All of the survey questions are broken out to reflect how conservatives, moderates and liberals either differ or agree in their views.

Speakers at the announcement will be:

--Civil Society Institute President Pam Solo; and
--Opinion Research Corporation Senior Research Graham Hueber. is a project of the nonprofit and nonpartisan Civil Society Institute, which is based in Newton, Masschusetts.

Source: PRNewswire