US Senate Democrats say MTBE waiver, ANWR would doom energy bill
Washington (Platts)--23Jun2005
US Senate Democrats, anticipating a House-Senate conference to reconcile competing versions of a broad energy bill, Thursday identified four issues that if included in a final bill would kill the legislation. At a news conference in Washington, Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (Democrat-Nevada) said Democrats would oppose efforts to add the Bush administration's "Clear Skies" proposal to cut power-sector air emissions and a liability waiver for manufacturers of gasoline additive MTBE to a final energy bill. Reid also said his party would oppose the inclusion of language opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil and gas drilling or allowing energy development on areas of the Outer Continental Shelf now off-limits to drilling. Reid described the MTBE waiver--which was blamed for the Senate's failure to pass an energy bill in the last Congress--as a "poison pill" for the energy bill. "I think there are enough senators to stop whatever would come," he told reporters. Clear Skies, which would set industry-supported emissions limits on mercury, nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide, failed to reach the Senate floor earlier this year after the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee deadlocked on the bill. Sen Jeff Bingaman (Democrat-New Mexico) blamed the Bush administration for killing his climate change proposal to set mandatory limits on carbon emissions. "The White House has been heavily lobbying the Senate and they made their position clear that they opposed anything relating to global warming," he said. During a news conference, Democrats urged House and Senate energy bill negotiators to include energy conservation and renewable energy measures from the Senate bill in the final measure, known as a conference report. The Senate bill is expected to complete its bill by Friday at the latest, an action that would lead to a House and Senate conference to reconcile their bills. The House passed a bill in April. Bush has called for a bill by Aug 1. This story was originally published in Platts Natural Gas Alert
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