Beckett 'is blocking the building of new nuclear power stations'

May 8, 2005 - Sunday Telegraph London
Author(s): Robert Watts And Andrew Murray-Watson


MARGARET BECKETT, the Secretary of State for the Environment, is blocking attempts by other government departments to pursue plans for a new generation of nuclear power stations, according to an e- mail leaked to The Sunday Telegraph.


In a confidential briefing to Alan Johnson, the new minister for energy, a leading civil servant has warned that Mrs Beckett will oppose any attempt to bring the nuclear option back on to the agenda.


Joan MacNaughton, the director-general in charge of energy policy at the new Department of Productivity, Energy and Industry -- formerly the Department of Trade and Industry -- has written to Mr Johnson to say that Mrs Beckett has prevented the option of new nuclear power stations being examined.


The wide-ranging document warns that the UK will suffer electricity and gas shortages, leading to steep increases in fuel prices, unless measures are put in place to replace old nuclear plants which are to be decommissioned during the next decade.


Ms MacNaughton's document reveals that a review body set up last autumn by the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) to examine ways of reducing carbon emissions, in line with the Government's international treaty obligations, is not considering the construction of new nuclear plants because of Mrs Beckett's opposition.


It adds that Mrs Beckett's department prefers the option of forcing heavy industry to reduce its emissions but warns that this approach could ``damage business competitiveness and (electricity) security of supply''.


It states: ``Because Beckett opposes nuclear new build, the review has not so far considered whether nuclear should contribute to cutting emissions.''


The decision on building a new generation of nuclear power stations is one of the most sensitive facing Tony Blair as he begins his third term in power. The Prime Minister is understood to be keen to approve the programme but Left-wing MPs fiercely oppose it.


Mr Johnson, who was transferred to the new department from the Department for Work and Pensions in Friday's reshuffle, will play a key role in discussions.


A former union leader, he had responsibility for energy during his stint at the old Department of Trade after the 2001 election and at the time was thought to be a cautious supporter of nuclear power.


Ms MacNaughton urges Mr Johnson to reclaim leadership of the nuclear issue before this summer. The document adds: ``The case for looking at the nuclear question again quickly is that if we want to avoid a very sharp fall in nuclear's contribution to energy supplies (some fall is certain and has already begun), we should need to act soon given the long lead times (10 years?) in getting a new nuclear station up and running.''


The document also states that the new government should only ``move towards'' reducing carbon emissions by 20 per cent by 2010, a move Ms MacNaughton describes as a ``slightly looser version of your repeated manifesto commitment to achieve this reduction''.


Ms MacNaughton also informs Mr Johnson that the Government is in danger of failing to hit targets to eradicate ``fuel poverty'' and that consumers should expect further price rises over the next few years as energy supply struggles to meet demand.


She says: ``The target is to eliminate fuel poverty among vulnerable households by 2010. This is unlikely without new measures.''


Ms MacNaughton also warns that steeper energy prices could significantly damage industry. She calls for a government statement on energy and climate change before the summer recess.


She emphasises that a White Paper would be commissioned before any proposals to build new atomic plants were made.


Fourteen ageing nuclear plants currently provide a quarter of the UK's electricity, but all are due to be decommissioned within the next two decades.


Mitsui Babcock, the energy consultancy and engineering group, estimates that it will cost pounds 12 billion to build 10 new nuclear power plants.


A DPEI spokesman said: ``The Government's energy policy is set out in the White Paper. The new Secretary of State, Alan Johnson, will need to look at the issue.''



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