US DOE Announces $64 Million in Hydrogen R&D Projects

May 26, 2005

Secretary of Energy Samuel Bodman of the US Department of Energy (DOE, Washington, DC) announced the selection of over $64 million in research and development projects aimed at making hydrogen fuel cell vehicles and refueling stations available, practical and affordable for American consumers by 2020.

A total of 70 hydrogen research projects have been selected to focus on fundamental science and enable revolutionary breakthroughs in hydrogen production, and storage in addition to new fuel cell technologies. Participants in the projects include more than 50 research organizations in 25 states. The organizations include academic institutions, industry and national laboratories.

The initiatives are part of a comprehensive, balanced portfolio of basic and applied research, technology development and learning demonstration projects aimed to significantly advance President Bush’s Hydrogen Fuel Initiative. The projects were selected through an open, merit-reviewed, competitive solicitation process. A total of $64 million over three years will be provided by the Department to these entities, subject to Congressional appropriations.

The following projects address the five technical focus areas identified during the DOE’s May 2003 workshop on "Basic Research Needs for the Hydrogen Economy": Novel Materials for Hydrogen Storage (17 projects, $19.8 million over three years); Membranes for Separation, Purification and Ion Transport (16 projects, $12.3 million over three years); Catalyst Design at the Nanoscale (18 projects, $15.8 million over three years); Solar Hydrogen Production (13 projects, $10 million over three years); and Bio-inspired Materials and Processes (6 projects, $7 million over three years).

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