US DOE, EPA renew push to double cogeneration capacity by 2010

Washington (Platts)--4May2005

The US Dept of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency Wednesday
renewed a compact designed to double the amount of US cogeneration capacity
this decade. A 2000 federal-industry pact aiming to have 92,000 MW of CHP
installed by 2010 expired in February. 

EPA Assistant Administration Jeffrey Holmstead said the agencies, which
traditionally have had strained relations, would work together to push
stakeholders they are familiar with to make better use of cogeneration, which
recycles waste energy to create electricity or thermal energy. Cogeneration
facilities are 50% to 70% efficient compared to 33% for standard power plants.

The CHP industry officials are in Washington Wednesday meeting with members of
Congress to lobby for a 10% investment tax credit that was one of the few
financial incentives included in President Bush's latest budget proposal. DOE
Assistant Secretary David Garman said the administration would promote CHP
during a second-term focus on getting construction companies to make new
buildings more energy efficient.

This story was originally published in Platts Electricity Alert

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